Smart Watch

Team Members

Kelly Lin, Omkar Lonkar


The goal of this project is to construct a smartwatch with multiple faces that perform different functionalities. We will be using the HiLetgo SPI LCD Display to display different watches faces, and the watch faces can be switched via the button on the board. Face 1 will be displaying the current time. Face 2 will be displaying the current temperature, where the temperature information is obtained from the temperature sensor. Users can also display any text on watch face 3 by entering a string of text on the PC terminal, which will be transferred through UART.


  • HiLetgo ILI9341 SPI LCD Display

  • Temperature Sensors

Serial Interface protocols

  • SPI for the display

  • I2C for the temperature sensor

  • UART to transfer text from termite to the watch

Block Diagram

Group Responsibilities

  • Omkar will be in charge of the UART interface

  • Kelly will be in charge of the I2C interface

  • Kelly and Omkar will work together on interfacing with the HiLetgo Display

Software Structure

We will be implementing a smartwatch that has different functionalities that can be switched via the button on the board. Below, we will describe each of the functionalities, which will be displayed as sequential watch faces.

Face 1:

This is the default face that appears when the reset button is pressed. It will simply display the current date and time, and it will be constantly updating the time using the RTC and the alarm interrupt on the board.

Face 2:

This face will be switched to when the push button is pressed. It will display the current temperature using the TC-74 temperature through I2C, updating every 10 seconds, using the SysTick interrupt.

Face 3:

The user can customize this face by entering any text that they want to display on a PC terminal. The text will be transferred to the board through UART, and then show up on the display through SPI.

Demo Video