BB WEEK 2023

5 MAR - 2 APR

The Boys' Brigade in Singapore is endorsed by the Ministry of Education as an official Co-curricular Activity in schools. It was founded in 1930 and internationally is the world's longest established Uniformed Youth Organisation. With over 7,000 Boys, developing them to be leaders who are trustworthy and credible, building character through our activities

The donations collected will be allocated to three main areas, as shown above, to fund activities for all members of The Boys' Brigade in Singapore. Such activities include BBHQ courses, company camps, and other activities.

To donate through (tax exemption), click on the company tab below

To donate through PayNow (non-tax exemption), follow the instructions below

UEN: S62SS0041D

UEN: S62SS0041D

You can also approach any member of the Brigade (Boys, Primers or Officers) to donate via leaflets or donation cards.

BB Week Leaflet

Donation Card

Thank you for your unwavering support and generosity!