21 NOVEMBER 2019:
Creating logo for the program: "Living in a Box. Our European Cultural Heritage Museum." -
Δημιουργία λογότυπου για το πρόγραμμα
Our logo is ready
28 NOVEMBER 2019:
Creating school presentation in Story Map for the 6 members schools with info and photo of the school -
Δημιουργία 6 συνδέσμων στην εφαρμογή Story Map για τα 6 σχολεία μέλη του προγράμματος.
First we eat and then we work -
Τελειώνοντας το σχολικό πρόγραμμα, πρώτα παίρνουμε δυνάμεις και μετά ξεκινάμε την εργασία μας.
6 DECEMBER 2019:
Creating Christmas cards for the 6 schools members - Famous Ancient and Modern People from Greece
The teachers for the members teachers -
Οι καθηγητές για τους καθηγητές μέλη
The students for the memebers students -
Οι μαθητές για τους μαθητές μέλη
Christmas card for the school from Turkey
Christmas card for the school from Germany
Christmas card for the school from Portugal
Christmas card for the school from Czech Republic
Christmas card for the school from Romania
The Christmas card for the school from Portugal is ready
The Christmas card for the school from Czech Republic is ready
The Christmas card for the school from Germany is ready
The Christmas card for the school from Romania is ready
13 DECEMBER 2019:
Working in teams: Let's introduce our country
Politics - Geography -Economy - Education in Greece (1/4)
Δουλεύοντας σε ομάδες: Πολιτική - Γεωγραφία - Οικονομία - Εκπαίδευση στην Ελλάδα
Our worksheet: Let's introduce our country
Education in Greece (Team: Atalanti K., Maria K., Martha K. & Sofia G.)
Εκπαίδευση στην Ελλάδα (Ομάδα: Αταλάντη Κ., Μαρία Κ., Μάρθα Γ. & Σοφία Γ.)
Education in Greece.pdf. Made with "Storyboardthat"
1. The educational system in Greece (school activity)
2. The future of Greece's education (In an interview with Niki Kerameus, the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs, EURACTIV asked about the governments future plans.)
Flyer: Education in Greece. Made with "Canva"
Quiz: The Millionaire Game: The educational system in Greece
20 DECEMBER 2019:
Working in teams: Let's introduce our country: Economy in Greece (2/4)
Δουλεύοντας σε ομάδες: Ας παρουσιάσουμε τη χώρα μας: Οικονομία στην Ελλάδα
Economy of Greece (Team: Nicolas K. & Yiannis G.)
Οικονομία της Ελλάδας (Ομάδα: Νικόλας Λ. & Γιάννης Γ.)
Comic: Greek Youth Unemployment.pdf. Made with "Storyboardthat"
Video: https://youtu.be/xc101mb2Nlg
Flyer: Economy Made with "Canva"
1. Group-puzzle
10 JANUARY 2020:
Working in teams: Let's introduce our country: Geography of Greece (3/4)
Δουλεύοντας σε ομάδες: Ας παρουσιάσουμε τη χώρα μας: Γεωγραφία της Ελλάδας
Geography of Greece (Team Aggeliki V., Georgina P., Evmorfia A. & Sofia K.)
Γεωγραφία της Ελλάδας (Ομάδα: Αγγελική Β., Τζωρτζίνα Π., Ευμορφία Α. & Σοφία Κ.)
Comic: Greek islands.pdf. Made with "Storyboardthat"
Flyer: Geography Made with "Canva"
1. The Millionaire Game. Made by Aggeliki V. & Georgina P.
2. Quiz. Made by Evmorfia A. & Sofia K.
Φωτογραφίες από την κοπή της βασιλόπιτας για το νέο έτος 2020:
Το φλουρί έπεσε στην κα Σουλελέ οπότε και κέρδισε ένα μπρελόκ για την γρήγορη εύρεση του κινητού της.
17 JANUARY 2020:
Working in teams: Let's introduce our country: Politic in Greece (4/4)
Δουλεύοντας σε ομάδες: Ας παρουσιάσουμε τη χώρα μας: Πολιτική στην Ελλάδα
Politics of Greece (Team: Anna V., Dimitra M. & Froso S.)
Πολιτική στην Ελλάδα (Ομάδα: Άννα Β., Δήμητρα Μ. & Φρόσω Σ.)
1. Greece's political system.pdf. Made by Anna V.
2. Greece-Government and politics.pdf. Made by Dimitra M. & Froso S.
Made with "Storyboardthat"
Flyer: Politics Made with "Canva"
Presentation: Greek Politicians. Made with Google slides.
Quiz: Matching Pairs On Images.
24 JANUARY 2020:
Working in teams: Sports
Δουλεύοντας σε ομάδες: Sports
Our worksheet
Worksheet The most prominent Greek athletes.pdf
1. The Sports benefits
1.1 Presentation Made by Chrysoula Angelopoulou (ICT teacher)
1.2 Presentation σε Google slides: Presentation of the most prominent Greek athletes
1.3 Quiz: Group assignment with the most prominent Greek athletes Made by Panagiotis M.
2. The Olympic Games:
TEDed lesson
3. The Olympic values
3.1 Flyer Olympic Values
3.2 Multiple-Choice Quiz with the Olympic values. Made by Giannis G., Giorgos K., & Nikolas K.
29 JANUARY 2020:
Working in teams: Food (Greek cuisine - Greek recipes)
Δουλεύοντας σε ομάδες: Διατροφή (Ελληνική κουζίνα - Ελληνικές συνταγές)
1. Greek cuisine
Presentation σε Google slides : Greek cuisine
1. Group-Puzzle: Greek cuisine. Made by Froso St. & Dimitra M.
2. Multiple-Choice Quiz: Greek cuisine - influence, ingredients. Made by Dimitra M. & Anna V.
3. Where is what? Greek regional cuisines. Made by Kynthia K. & Ikaros M.
3. Group assignment Greek cuisine. Made by Sofia K., & Dimitris D.
2. Greek recipes
Presentation σε Google slides : Greek recipes
7 FEBRUARY 2020:
Working in teams: Food (Greek cuisine - Greek recipes)- Test the kahoot game with the capitals of 6 countries of our Erasmus project
Δουλεύοντας σε ομάδες: Διατροφή (Ελληνική κουζίνα - Ελληνικές συνταγές) - Έλεγχος του kahoot game με τις πρωτεύουσες των 6 χωρών του Erasmus project μας
Greek recipes
The Greek recipe book as flipbook (in flipHTML5):
14 FEBRUARY 2020:
Working in teams: We are preparing for the Kahoot competition
Δουλεύοντας σε ομάδες: Προετοιμαζόμαστε για το διαγωνισμό Kahoot
We are preparing for the Kahoot competition, reading the following documents from the twinspace:
1. Why is the EU unique in the world?
3. The EU in slides (slides: 1-25)
21 FEBRUARY 2020:
Playing in 3 teams: Our Common European Cardgame
Παίζοντας σε 3 ομάδες: Our Common European Cardgame
Using the the cards and the rules of the cardgame, we had a very good time playing in 3 teams of 6 students.
so, we had 3 winners Konstantina P., Vasilis D., and Maria K.
Thank you very much the German students for the idea and the game construction "Our Common European Cardgame".
The 3 teams, the winners and their presents are below:
1st team
2nd team
3rd team
1st winner from
2nd team
2nd winner from
3rd team
3rd winner from
1st team
28 FEBRUARY 2020:
Testing kahoot game all the 6 countries simultaneously: The capitals of our countries
Παίζοντας kahoot και οι 6 χώρες ταυτόχρονα: Οι πρωτεύουσες των χωρών μας
Testing kahoot game, we had winner, Greece.
The Czech Republic Mobility 26/04-02/05/2022 (Otrokovice) with the topics:
Fashion: from the traditional costumes to erasmus teens' fashion preferences
Music: from the traditional music to erasmus teens' music preferences
with the students: Sofia Anastasiou, Danae Papagiannopoulou, Kynthia Kapsali and Ikaros Mammos and the teachers: Panagiota Soulele and Chrysoula Angelopoulou
Greek Fashion
Styles and influences
Videos (Benaki Museum):
Greek history - Early Christian period – Dress
Greek history - Greek Women’s Costumes: Basic Styles and Influences
From traditional costumes to erasmus teens' fashion preferences (by Kynthia and Ikaros)
Video: Greek Traditional Costumes
The results of the questionnaire in the video: Teens' Fashion Preferences
From traditional music to erasmus teens' music preferences (by Sofia and Danae)
Video: Greek Traditional Music-Kalamatianos-Hasaposervikos
In The Czech Republic mobility the students danced the following songs:
Video of Kalamatianos dance: Milo mou kokkino-Paradosiako
Video of Hasaposervikos dance: Eimaste alania-Tsitsanis Basilis
The results of the questionnaire in the video: Teens' Music Preferences