Indie Film Financing and Movie Distribution - Dancing Nude

I have a lot of admiration for the exotic dancers at Larry Flynt's Hustler Club because indie film finance and distribution make me think of what it would be like to perform naked on stage. You must be able to dance to the music of a film investor when you arrive to pitch your movie idea. In your capacity as an independent filmmaker looking for funding, it is not your stage. They want you to create a film that is marketable and appealing to film distributors so that the production can generate revenue.

Because independent art house films are difficult to sell to movie distributors and frequently don't attract attention from foreign film buyers, the majority of investors I've met aren't interested in 123movies investing significant capital into them. Certain art house films have dialogue and scenes that are difficult for foreign customers and moviegoers to understand. According to distributors, subtitles are not necessary for viewers to follow the tale when there is action, horror, or skin. Viewers who are unable to understand delicate nuances presented in a foreign language may find talking head movies to be completely meaningless.

As independent film distribution becomes more financially precarious, independent film finance continues to alter. The hardest-hit area is where independent film producers get their funding. Investing in movies without bankable name stars does not excite movie investors at the moment. This is not like so-called independent films, which sometimes star A-list stars and cost millions of dollars to make. Once you have achieved success in the entertainment industry at the studio level, you can pursue those types of independent film passion projects.

However, independent cinema investors and distributors do want producers to have actors (B-list, C-list, or D-list) with some level of name recognition or notoriety. They won't expect you to have an A-list star. The cast is the first thing that movie financiers and distributors inquire about. Because their roster of performers is unproven, here is where the majority of indie film producers fall flat. In addition, a surplus of independent films are being produced as a result of technological advancements that have reduced production costs.