How to Replace the Ink Cartridge in Your 123 HP Com Printer


Every printer user needs to be familiar with the crucial process of changing the ink cartridge in their 123 HP Com printer. This procedure is easy to complete and takes only a few minutes. In this article, we'll walk you through the process of changing the ink cartridge in your printer step-by-step.

Unlock the access door for the ink cartridges.

Open the ink cartridge access door as the first step in replacing your ink cartridge. This door is located on the front of your printer. Open the door gently once you've found it.

Eliminate the previous ink bottle

Wait for the ink cartridge holder to cease moving before opening the access door for the ink cartridges. The old ink cartridge should then slide out of its holder by applying pressure on it. Make careful to properly dispose of the used ink cartridge.

Unpack the fresh ink cartridge in step three.

It's time to unpack the new ink cartridge after you've taken out the old one. Remove the new ink cartridge from its packing with care and check that it is

Install the fresh inkjet.

Slide the new ink cartridge into the open slot after packaging it and removing the old one. To make the cartridge click into place, gently push it. A secure installation of the new ink cartridge in the holder should be made.

Shut the access door for the ink cartridges

Be sure to shut the ink cartridge access door after replacing the new ink cartridge. As the door clicks into place, gently push it. Wait for your printer to align the new ink cartridge once you've shut the door.

Test the fresh ink cartridge in step six.

It's time to test your printer after it has finished aligning the new ink cartridge. To ensure that the new ink cartridge is operating properly, print a test page. You can begin printing once more if the test page looks good.


Anyone can replace the ink cartridge in their 123 HP Com printer because it is such an easy procedure. You can quickly and easily replace your ink cartridge by following these six simple steps. If you run into any problems while doing this, please refer to your printer's manual or get help from HP customer care.

We trust that this guide has been useful in assisting you as you replace your ink cartridge. For the best printing results, always use authentic HP ink cartridges and dispose of your used ink cartridge correctly.