from 19 to 20 May 2021

11th Crete Regional Meeting in String Theory

Virtual Edition

Organizing Committees

International Organizing Committee

  • O. Aharony (Weizmann I.)

  • M. Alishahiha (IPM, Teheran)

  • D. Anninos (King's College, London)

  • F. Ardalan (IPM, Teheran)

  • E. Kiritsis (U. of Crete and APC, Paris)

  • H. Arfaei (IPM, Teheran)

  • A. Dabholkar (ICTP, Trieste)

  • R. Gopakumar (ICTS, Bengaluru)

  • D. Luest (LMU, Munich)

  • K. Narain (ICTP, Trieste)

  • A. Naseh (IPM, Teheran)

  • V. Niarchos (U. of Crete and Durham University)

  • Y. Oz (Tel Aviv University)

  • K.Papadodimas (CERN and ICTP)

  • E. Rabinovici (Hebrew U., Jerusalem)

  • S. Wadia (ICTS and Tata I., Mumbai)

  • E. Witten (IAS, Princeton)

Local Organizing Committee

  • D. Anninos (King's College, London)

  • V. Niarchos (U. of Crete and Durham University)

  • K.Papadodimas (CERN and ICTP)

  • E. Kiritsis (U. of Crete and APC, Paris)

Websites of previous meetings

first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eight, ninth, tenth