How to Use Drafthorse AI SEO Engine to Skyrocket Your Website’s Organic Traffic 

In the fast-paced world of online content, standing out is no easy feat. Fortunately, there's a game-changer in town – Drafthorse, an AI SEO engine designed to transform your content creation process, saving you time, money, and energy while supercharging your website's organic traffic. In this comprehensive guide, we'll take a deep dive into the functionalities of Drafthorse and unveil effective strategies to unleash its full potential. 

Sign Up and Import Your Keywords

1. Start with a Free Trial

Embark on your Drafthorse journey by signing up for a free trial. This grants you access to the platform's entire arsenal of features, allowing you to test its capabilities without any financial commitment.

2. Import Target Keywords

Drafthorse relies on your target keywords to generate SEO-optimized content. Effortlessly import them from a CSV file or directly from Google Search Console, laying the groundwork for crafting content tailored to your specific niche.

Generate and Publish Articles

3. Click "Generate Content"

With your keywords in place, initiate the magic by clicking "Generate Content." Drafthorse's AI prowess comes into play, conjuring up unique articles for each imported keyword. This sets the stage for a diverse and targeted content strategy that can elevate your website's visibility.

4. Edit and Publish

While Drafthorse excels at content generation, your editorial touch is invaluable. Edit the generated articles to align them with your brand voice, ensuring they are not only SEO-optimized but also well-written, informative, and engaging. Seamlessly publish them on your preferred CMS platform, be it WordPress, Webflow, or Shopify.

Tips for Optimization

Choose Keywords Wisely

Consider Search Volume and Competition: Striking a balance between search volume and competition is crucial. Opt for keywords that align with your niche and boast a reasonable search volume.

Relevance is Crucial: Ensure your chosen keywords resonate with your target audience and niche.

Crafting High-Quality Content

Edit Generated Articles: While Drafthorse streamlines content creation, refining the generated content ensures it meets your standards.

Regular Publishing: Aim for consistency by publishing at least one article per week. Regular updates signal to search engines that your site is active and relevant.

Promotion Strategies

Leverage Social Media: Actively promote your newly published articles on various social media platforms.

Email Campaigns: Incorporate your articles into email campaigns to maximize outreach.

Diversify Promotion Channels: Explore various channels to ensure a broad reach and enhance your website's visibility.

SEO Advice for Drafthorse Users

1. Embrace Long-Tail Keywords

Targeting specific, less competitive long-tail keywords enhances your chances of ranking. Drafthorse can assist in identifying and incorporating these keywords seamlessly into your content.

2. Optimize Throughout

Integrate your target keyword into the article title, headings, and content for improved search engine understanding. This holistic optimization ensures your content is well-aligned with SEO best practices.

3. Quality Over Quantity

While Drafthorse streamlines content creation, quality remains paramount. Focus on producing high-quality, valuable content that resonates with your audience and adds genuine value to their experience.

Advanced Strategies for Optimal Results

Now that we've covered the basics, let's delve into advanced strategies to squeeze every drop of potential from Drafthorse and propel your website to new heights.

1. Harnessing AI Insights for Keyword Selection

Drafthorse offers an ingenious "Keyword Explorer" tool that goes beyond traditional keyword research. It not only helps you identify relevant keywords but also provides insights into their search volume, competitiveness, and trend patterns. Leverage this tool to refine your keyword selection and tailor your content strategy based on real-time data.

2. Audience Research for Hyper-Personalization

Understanding your audience is the key to crafting content that resonates. Drafthorse can assist in audience research by providing insights into demographics, interests, and search behavior. Use this information to create content that speaks directly to your target audience, enhancing engagement and building a loyal readership.

3. Building a Strategic Content Calendar

A well-thought-out content calendar is the backbone of any successful content strategy. Drafthorse can assist in creating a dynamic content calendar by planning out your content topics and publication dates. This not only ensures a steady flow of content but also helps you align your content with seasonal trends and industry events.

4. Monetizing Your Content with Affiliate Marketing

Drafthorse allows you to seamlessly integrate affiliate marketing into your content strategy. As mentioned in the article's disclaimer, it contains an affiliate link. Leverage this opportunity strategically by promoting products or services relevant to your niche, thereby generating additional revenue while offering valuable recommendations to your audience.

5. A/B Testing for Content Performance Optimization

Drafthorse facilitates A/B testing, enabling you to experiment with different headlines, formats, or calls-to-action to gauge their impact on content performance. Use this feature to refine your content strategy continuously and adapt to changing trends in user behavior.


Drafthorse stands as a powerful ally in the realm of SEO and content creation. By combining its advanced features with strategic insights and a commitment to quality, you can transform your website into a traffic magnet. Embrace the future of content creation with Drafthorse, and watch as your organic traffic soars to new heights.