10Penta's Tetri Docs

Hello! I am 10Penta, tetris player, and also an opener labber in the COpener Gaming discord server. I mainly play on tetr.io as 10Penta_, and I am U rank on tetr.io and a world top 300 blitz as of the last update. I'm also on jstris as 10_TE with an ultra of over 120k and 57 PCs on PC mode. Over the past few months, I've been compiling many documents on new openers, setups and research I have done, as well as guides to help you improve at both vs Tetris and Blitz/Ultra. Below is all of them, split into a few categories.

If you would like to contact me about anything, then I am 10penta on discord or you can find me in the COpener Gaming and PC Gang discord severs.