Behind the Names!

The South Asian diaspora around the world can often feel isolated and helpless as a result of immigration, acculturation, and individualization. These feelings are magnified when dealing with matters of sexual and reproductive health and rights. This is where we come in! Oru Kutty (pronouned: koo-tee) Community, meaning “A Little Community”, aims to be an informed and reliable source of education, support, and comfort. 

With Joefin’s training as a sexual health educator and doula, combined with her passion for normalizing these topics, we strive to model the conversations that should take place around sexuality and parenthood. Oru Kutty Community reflects the home away from home sentiment that Joefin is hoping to establish with all her clientele. 

While we say it takes a village to raise a child, we forget that it also takes a village to support new parents. Joefin aims to be a part of everyone’s kutty community from before conception to after childbirth. With the medicalization of birth, rise in nuclear families, and growing disconnectedness from community, Joefin walks alongside parents on their journey, helping create a supportive kutty community around them. 

In South Indian languages, “kutty” translates to infant or child and is also used as a term of endearment. Oru Kutty Community is not only here for your kutty but also the kutty hopes, desires, and wishes that you have as new parents.

The short form, OK Community, signifies our commitment to the sexual and reproductive wellbeing or “okay-ness” of everyone. Joefin has a particular passion for supporting third-culture children, adolescents, and young adults like herself, who navigate and balance cultural understandings with Western ideologies. This brings us to her choice of brand name: 10 o’clock joefi. 

After completing her studies in biology and psychology, Joefin aspires to be the Tamil Canadian version of Jean Milburn from the show Sex Education. She plans to pursue graduate studies in Sexual Health. In the Tamil context, this role might be known as a “pathu mani” doctor or a 10 o’clock doctor. Although this term elicits snickers, nose scrunches, and judgment, Joefin reclaims the name to put a positive spin on it, working to normalize these essential conversations. 
