The most actively traded currencies in the world, the euro and US dollar are underwritten by more than $1 trillion in goods and services trade annually. CME listed FX futures offer more precise risk management of EUR/USD exposure through firm pricing, convenient monthly and quarterly futures and weekly, monthly, and quarterly options, and flexibility to trade via a central limit order book, direct with blocks, or EFRPs.

Back in November 2022, J.P. Morgan Research took a dim view of the euro, with euro/dollar forecast to hover around 0.95-1.00 in 2023. A few months on, each of the motivating factors for this downbeat view has been challenged, if not reversed outright. Title Transfer Facility (TTF) gas prices, the key benchmark for gas prices in Europe, have collapsed to pre-invasion lows as the continent experiences the warmest weather on record.

1 Dollar In Euro

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This sharp fall in gas and electricity prices benefits the economy overall and should mean the region can avoid the harsh recession that was expected. In light of these developments, J.P. Morgan Research expects euro/dollar to approach 1.10 in March 2023, before declining to 1.08 in September 2023.

From January to September, the process worked in reverse as the interest rate differential in favour of the US contracted to 1.85% and the dollar depreciated to $1.19 per euro. Two factors may have played a role. First, it became clear during the spring that President Trump would not deliver on his economic programme as quickly as initially expected, if at all. Second, economic growth in the euro area strengthened and political sentiment towards the euro improved following parliamentary elections in the Netherlands in March, the French presidential elections in late April and early May, and the French parliamentary election in June, all of which saw euro sceptic politicians lose.

Of course, the yields on government bonds issued by financially weaker governments in the euro area periphery may also matter for the exchange rate. For instance, concerns about the public debt or political stability may lead long yields in these countries to rise and simultaneously depreciate the euro.

To explore that, Figure 2 shows the spread between bond yields in Germany and Spain, as a measure of yield developments in the euro area periphery (note the inverted scale). The figure also shows some correlation between the two variables. In particular, the strengthening of the euro at end of sample occurred in a period in the spread of Spanish over German yields fell from 130 basis points to about 85 basis points. One would expect that to have appreciated the euro.

With two potential explanatory variables, we next regress the change in the exchange rate on the change in German-US spread and on the change in the Spanish-German spread. The two interest rate spreads explain 78% of the variation of the exchange rate. Moreover, they have plausible effects and are statistically highly significant. Thus, a 10 basis point increase in German yields relative to US yields appreciates the euro by 1.1% (t = 8.5) in defiance of uncovered interest parity. Similarly, a 10 basis point reduction of Spanish yields relative to German yields appreciates the euro by 0.6% (t = 4.1).

The above analysis suggests that the depreciation of the US dollar in 2017 was due largely to long German bond yields rising relative to US yields, and to long yields in Spain (as a measure of yields in the euro are periphery) falling relative to long German yields. Since there are only 17 data points in the sample, the results may not be given much weight.

The main message from this analysis is that a large part of the fluctuations of the US dollar against the euro since the election of President Trump can be tied to movements in relative attractiveness of holding US dollars versus the euro.

You must express the amounts you report on your U.S. tax return in U.S. dollars. Therefore, you must translate foreign currency into U.S. dollars if you receive income or pay expenses in a foreign currency. In general, use the exchange rate prevailing (i.e., the spot rate) when you receive, pay or accrue the item.

The only exception relates to some qualified business units (QBUs), which are generally allowed to use the currency of a foreign country. If you have a QBU with a functional currency that is not the U.S. dollar, make all income determinations in the QBU's functional currency, and where appropriate, translate such income or loss at the appropriate exchange rate.

Note: The exchange rates referenced on this page do not apply when making payments of U.S. taxes to the IRS. If the IRS receives U.S. tax payments in a foreign currency, the exchange rate used by the IRS to convert the foreign currency into U.S. dollars is based on the date the foreign currency is converted to U.S. dollars by the bank processing the payment, not the date the foreign currency payment is received by the IRS.

To convert from foreign currency to U.S. dollars, divide the foreign currency amount by the applicable yearly average exchange rate in the table below. To convert from U.S. dollars to foreign currency, multiply the U.S. dollar amount by the applicable yearly average exchange rate in the table below.

They thought about taking a trip to California or Hawaii, from their home in Colorado. Flights are expensive everywhere, but thanks to the strength of the dollar, Europe started looking mighty attractive.

"The dollar has fundamentals all of its own," says Foley. "Generally, a currency will react to the fundamentals of the country to which it belongs. That isn't necessarily the case with the U.S. dollar."

Energy prices have driven euro-area inflation to a record 8.9 percent in July, making everything from groceries to utility bills more expensive. They also have raised fears about governments needing to ration natural gas to industries like steel, glassmaking and agriculture if Russia further reduces or shuts off the gas taps completely.

The European currency hit its all-time high of $1.18 shortly after its launch on Jan. 1, 1999, but then began a long slide, falling through the $1 mark in February 2000 and hitting a record low of 82.30 cents in October 2000. It rose above parity in 2002 as large trade deficits and accounting scandals on Wall Street weighed on the dollar.

As the Fed raises interest rates, the rates on interest-bearing investments tend to rise as well. If the Fed raises rates more than the European Central Bank, higher interest returns will attract investor money from euros into dollar-denominated investments. Those investors will have to sell euros and buy dollars to buy those holdings. That drives the euro down and the dollar up.

American tourists in Europe will find cheaper hotel and restaurant bills and admission tickets. The weaker euro could make European export goods more competitive on price in the United States. The U.S. and the EU are major trade partners, so the exchange rate shift will get noticed.

American companies that do a lot of business in Europe will see the revenue from those businesses shrink when and if they bring those earnings back to the U.S. If euro earnings remain in Europe to cover costs there, the exchange rate becomes less of an issue.

A key worry for the U.S. is that a stronger dollar makes U.S.-made products more expensive in overseas markets, widening the trade deficit and reducing economic output, while giving foreign products a price edge in the United States.

A weaker euro can be a headache for the European Central Bank because it can mean higher prices for imported goods, particularly oil, which is priced in dollars. The ECB is already being pulled in different directions: It is raising interest rates, the typical medicine for inflation, but higher rates also can slow economic growth.

The Treasury Reporting Rates of Exchange dataset provides the U.S. government's authoritative foreign currency exchange rates for federal agencies to consistently report U.S. dollar equivalents. For more information on the calculation of exchange rates used by federal agencies, please see the Treasury Financial Manual, volume 1, part 2, section 3235. This Exchange Rate Converter Tool is designed to make foreign currency exchange data values easier to access for federal agency reporting purposes.

The currency value of the SDR is determined by summing the values in U.S. dollars, based on market exchange rates, of a basket of major currencies (the U.S. dollar, Euro, Japanese yen, pound sterling and the Chinese renminbi). The SDR currency value is calculated daily (except on IMF holidays or whenever the IMF is closed for business) and the valuation basket is reviewed and adjusted every five years.


 Press Release: IMF Determines New Currency Amounts for the SDR Valuation Basket

Press Release: IMF Executive Board Concludes Quinquennial SDR Valuation Review and Determines New Currency Weights for SDR Valuation Basket

Will the euro replace the dollar as the leading international currency? With two-thirds of all international reserves still held in U.S. currency, the challenge of the euro appears remote. Indeed, this was the widely held view when the euro was introduced less than a decade ago. But in Optimal Currency Shares in International Reserves: The Impact of the Euro and the Prospects for the Dollar (NBER Working Paper No. 12333), authors Elias Papaioannou, Richard Portes, and Gregorios Siourounis argue that the euro's rise to major international currency status may no longer be as implausible as many believe.

The euro's growing appeal comes from several factors: the euro zone is comparable to the U.S. economy in term of GDP and trade openness; the European Central Bank has kept inflation in check; the EU experiences nothing like America's current account deficit and external debt, which apply considerable pressures on the dollar. In a 2005 survey of central banks, most respondents said they intended further diversification away from the dollar, and several have recently made public announcements along these lines. ff782bc1db

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