Are you Ready 4 a better u?

You crush your career. Now let's get your mind & body in the best shape of your life. We combine science and accountability coaching to help top performers get in the best shape of their life and thereby taking all aspects of their lives to the next level.

Schedule a FREE coaching call with me and see if we're a great fit for each other.

Hi, i'm Jeremiah, your coach.

I'm passionate about helping hardworking individuals get into the best shape where they are absolutely unstoppable. I feel your struggle with work life balance and I'm here to transform you into that fit, high energy, clear thinking attractive person that brings it all to their career and family.

That's why I've developed my better U transformation program. My invitation only program is like nothing you've ever seen. My coaching program will give you the time, motivation personal strategies and support you’ll need to achieve RESULTS; daily, weekly, monthly and for a lifetime.

Jeremiah Wright, NASM-CPT, CES,GPT,PES, FNS

We take our clients to the next level... Will you be next?

Michelle J. 46

"Working with Jeremiah has been critical for my sanity and energy. I'm a busy lady. I'm juggling a lot of responsibilities day to day but my fitness has always been a priority. I am stronger now than I was in my thirties, for sure and that is thanks to Jeremiah. His strength programs have helped me get into peak shape regardless of my age and packed schedule. I need to be healthy for job and family and I love be athletic enough to compete with my teenage children!"

Gabby m. 35

"Jeremiah is the man! He’s an evil genius that continues to surprise me year after year. My husband and I have been training with Jeremiah for almost a decade. I didn't really realize how strong I was until I started looking at others my age. It's a lot of work but damn it's worth it. If you're lucky enough to train with him and his team, do it!”

Ashley h. 34

"It's not easy!! It's been a struggle to lose weight and get back into shape after years of putting it on the back-burner. Jeremiah is such a professional, so much more than a trainer, he's a true coach in every way. I need data, facts, and numbers. Jeremiah is all about this. I need consistency and accountability which makes working with this team ideal. This has been the best investment I've made and I'll keep making it year after year. I get it now!"

PRO accountability Coaches

We'll be with you every step of the way to guide and inspire you to reach your transformation goals. With our App and fitness tools, our team will see your actual workout data, eating habits and body fat trends. We'll monitor your progress, make course corrections and hold YOUR ASS ACCOUNTABLE.

advanced science

The science based Built Strong Path is a circle of progression and gains. Every peak phase brings you right back to a build phase. Our genius is in our program design. We use the concepts of consistency, frequency, and intensity to unlock your inner athlete. Enhance and balance hormones, build muscle, lose body fat, increase power, productivity, and energy. Win at the game of fitness. Because a win here, is a win everywhere.

personal exercise

Based upon your assessment and your specific goals, we'll design the perfect custom program for you. This integrated plan will be exactly right for you and deliver RESULTS ....

  • Built Strong Cardio and Strength programs

  • Live and on-demand workouts with our coaches

personal nutrition

We know you've tried many programs. We know you're busy and don't always have the time. Our Built Strong nutrition program will give you the strategies and the time hacks to fuel your body for maximum energy and cognitive power.

  • Anti-diet. Consistently good vs occasionally perfect.

  • Sensible nutrition strategy - does not overly restrict you or force you to give up the foods you love.

personal mindfulness

We know you've got a demanding lifestyle, but stress is holding you back at work and with your most important relationships. Our science based mindfulness stress management will give you the knowledge and tools to turn your stress into an advantage.

  • Education and guided meditation sessions

  • Better sleep, more motivation and happiness

  • Proven performance improvements

personal Tech Tools

Our fun to use fitness technology saves you time by showing you exactly what you need to do while always tracking your progress.

  • Heart rate wearable and integrated fitness app.

  • Smart body fat scale to track your fat loss progress.

  • Your coach will see your progress and provide direct feedback.

  • Engage with other high performing men and women

your transformation.Our destination

  • Over 12 years experience delivering amazing results to high performing individuals

  • The most personal coaching experience available

  • Time saving leading fitness tech

  • Exclusive, by invitation only

Book a call, let's chat and see if we're a good fit.

- Jeremiah Wright