NZ Travel Planners

Sharing knowledge about school and workplace travel plans, travel behaviour change initiatives, and general travel demand management information.

Site management by John Lieswyn, Director and Senior Transport Planner at ViaStrada Ltd. Email John

Here's how to join - you don't even need a Google account.

If you have an account, you can also link your work email address to it.

This is a list of relevant people in the industry plus those working in the NCES. Email John if you want to be added or removed:

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Useful Links

In addition to the resources in the library above, check out these great sites:


Workplace Cycling Guide (NZTA) NEW !! contains WHY, HOW, RESOURCES, and GET INSPIRED (examples)

Workplace Travel Planning Toolkit (NZTA) includes templates, guides, and a link to create a custom employee survey

Christchurch free Central City Travel Programme page

Christchurch Cycle to Work advice page

Perth Your Move website


Evaluating SRTS programmes (Mineta Institute, 2020)

Bike Ready, the national cycling skills training system. See also National Cycling Education System (NCES) for a list of education providers.

Bike On Trust / Bikes in Schools page

Education Portal is a Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency page with road safety education and curriculum printable resources targeted at primary and secondary school students is a Ministry of Education website that includes Traffic Management around schools information. There is a handy checklist to help you prepare a travel plan.

Feet First page on the Education Portal

Safe Routes to School National Partnership (SRTS) is a U.S. based organisation with fact sheets, research, Healthy Communities links, and more


Auckland Transport Travelwise Programme (see library for evaluation report and other docs)

Christchurch Develop a School Travel Plan page

Hastings District Council iWay

New Plymouth Let's Go

Perth Your Move Schools video explaining benefits (2 min, YouTube)


Irongate School (Flaxmere, Hastings District) Bikes in Schools inspiring video (4 min, YouTube)

Ministry of Education Traffic Management at Schools suggests that all schools should have a travel plan