Welcome to e-Praxis'21

Greetings from VESIT Renaissance Cell (VRC) !!

VESIT Renaissance Cell (VRC) in association with VESIT -IIC and VESIT-IQAC presents before you e-Praxis’21.

While executing Praxis since past four years, we learnt that it is a great platform, which may help us in achieving our own objective of 'Skill Enhancement' within VESIT, while immensely benefiting VESITians and VESIT as a whole.

e-Praxis'21 : This year, due to Covid'19 Pandemic we are switching from Praxis to e- Praxis. All the technical events will be held online. e-Praxis'21 will be held on 21st and 22nd April 2021, with the Pre e-Praxis'21 events about to be held anytime soon!

This year again we are excited to present a plethora of events, to help enhance VESITisan's technical skills, while needing them to invest very little of of their precious time.

Praxis is expected to be a TechFest, and we have taken very sincere efforts to make sure that it remains 'Technical' and 'Festival'.

To deliver the best to you, this time as well we are working hand in hand, with the Technical Societies within VESIT viz. IEEE-VESIT, ISTE-VESIT, CSI-VESIT and ISA-VESIT and E-cell.

We hope not only to meet but to exceed your expectations !

-- Sincerely,

VESIT Renaissance Cell !