Safe schools

Safe Schools are a high priority for VASD. We take the following measures to ensure the safety of each and every student and staff member.

    • Each school has a designated Building Emergency Response Team (BERT.) Our BERT teams conduct “tabletop” safety exercises at least twice annually.

    • Tabletop, functional and full-scale safety, and security exercises have been conducted with the Verona Police/Fire, Fitchburg Police/Fire, Fitch-rona EMS, Verona DPW, Fitchburg DPW, Dane County Emergency Management, 911 Center, and other local Law Enforcement Agencies.

    • There are protocols for visitor entrance, registration, security, and greeting.

    • The Board of Education approved “options-based” training for all staff and students.

    • Required fire, tornado, and critical incident drills are held regularly.