Tartu Veeriku School

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Erasmus+ board/corner in Tartu Veeriku School's hallway.

Our school

Tartu Veeriku School was founded on the 1st of September, 1987. Today (2023) we have about 800 students and 76 teachers. Tartu Veeriku School is a basic school and there are grades from 1 to 9  (aged from 6/7 to 15 years old).

Since 1994, there have been English-biased classes. Since the autumn of 2010, all the first graders have learned English by playing, singing, and crafting. Starting from the third grade, English is taught in level groups that vary in difficulty. Studying a second foreign language starts in the fourth grade or in the sixth grade, it is possible to learn German, Russian, or Spanish. In grades 7.- 9., mathematics is also taught in different level groups. 

Since 2008 Tartu Veeriku School has been a part of a group of health-improving schools. 

In 2014, we earned the title ’Good School as Bullying free School of 2014’. 

Students have accomplished first places in regional physics, science, chemistry, and mother tongue competitions, history quizzes, different sports and creativity competitions. 

A well-functioning school system has to support students' individuality. The percentage of educational success has stayed cheerfully high for 5 years - 52-58%. 

High attention is paid to hobbies, which supports completing the program and gives the students different chances for self-fulfilment. The most popular ones are robotics, handcrafts, folk dance, choral singing, acting, floorball, and acrobatics. In Tartu Veeriku School you can engage in basketball, volleyball, and football and participate in athletics. 

Most of our hobbies are directed by our teachers. It is a priceless value, because outside lesson work, doing something together creates bonds, which are rarely reached in lessons. Public ceremonies, subject weeks, meetings, and other cooperative events (hiking days in autumn, celebrating Father's Day with fathers and grandfathers, the Christmas play, the spring concert made for Mother's Day, and so on) create a family feeling. Tartu Veeriku School is child friendly and here, you will get a comprehensive preparation for future life in every way.


Veurovisioon is a yearly school tradition where different classes make their own choreography and then perform in front of other students, teachers and the jury. Afterwards, there is a school disco and the classes with the best dances get prizes, such as trophies, chocolates and diplomas.