Welcome to the Registrar’s office
The Registrar of a University shall be appointed by the Council upon the recommendation of a selection committee, the composition of which shall be prescribed by ordinance. The first Registrar of a University shall be appointed by the University Grants Commission in terms of section 144 of the Universities Act No 16 of 1978 as amended. Registrar shall be a full-time officer of the University and shall exercise, perform and discharge powers, duties
The Registrar shall be responsible for the custody of the records and the property of the University.
The Registrar shall be the ex officio secretary of the Council and the Senate.
The Registrar shall be the Assistant Accounting Officer of the University.
The Registrar shall subject to the direction and control of the Vice-Chancellor, be responsible for the general administration of the University and the disciplinary control of its non-academic staff.
The Registrar’s office manages the activities and maintains the records of the governing Council and the Senate of the University. Moreover, this office administers the overall staff functions of Non-academic staff and matters regarding the general administration of the University. Registrar’s Office maintains the overall coordination of main University activities within the University with University Grants Commission, Line ministry of higher education and other relevant entities. Further, the office engages with many different correspondences, massages and enquires etc. within and outside the University.
Tel: 024 222 2436
Email: registrar@vau.ac.lk