Supporting your Well-Being

Some well-being activities to try...

Join an online group

Why not join on of our online groups and societies that are running during lockdown. From the social space to anxiety management, click the button below to browse the list and find out more.

Sort your music library

Put together a playlist of your favourite songs.

Get active

With this Hiit workout for teens

Calm before bed

Try some guided imagery to help you feel relaxed if you have trouble getting to sleep. Here is another example of guided imagery to help you feel relaxed if you have trouble getting to sleep.

A morning stretch

Try yoga. These videos are really easy to follow and you can choose between 20 minutes and an hour. Let’s see how you feel after a really good stretch!

Practice gratitude

Connect. Write 2 letters or postcards and drop them into a friend’s door or post them. Let them know what you appreciate about their friendship.

Get active with Joe Wicks

Try a Joe Wicks or other workout that you have not done before

Start growing vegetables indoors

Simple ways to grow your own from everyday veg

Connect with someone whilst cooking or baking

Choose a recipe and make something with a family member or during a video call with a friend

Get creative

Write a poem or blog about your own experience in times of Covid-19. You are making history! Use music and pictures to inspire you.

Keep your mind active

Take time to do things you never had time for before, like learning a new language or computer programming

Works and webinars

Experience webinars from Action Your Potential


Mindfulness is paying attention to things in a special way. ‘Concentrating on what is at the forefront of our mind, in the present moment, with insight and compassion’. (Mindfulness: Practice For Children, Teachers And Schools- Ross Young mindfulness pedagogy 2016)

There are lots of things we normally miss, including our thoughts and feelings. Focus on the breath is a key element of mindfulness practice. Paying attention in this special way can help us to enjoy ourselves more and stay calm when dealing with day to day challenges. We don’t need equipment or to learn anything complicated. Mindfulness is something that we can do with others or on our own. Young or old. It does not matter if our home is large or small. We can practice pretty much anywhere, sitting, standing, walking and lying down.

When things get tough… tough like it might be for many of us right now, then bring some mindfulness awareness into your day. It may help you to feel a sense of social connection even whilst we must stay physically apart.

There are endless amounts on the internet regarding mindfulness. These are just a few of those links.

Relaxing Music/Screens

Relaxing with music, nature sounds, or visuals can help soothe and calm the room. Especially good for a learning environment, concentration and quietening the mind before bedtime.

One hour of Calm Aquarium video with music

Six-hour study music

Sleep and meditation music

Guided meditation for a deep peaceful and calm sleep

Mindfulness bell, a five-minute meditation

How to Calm Your Worries and Sleep Better: A Scientist's Tips for Falling Asleep More Quickly


It can be difficult to get started or stick to a new routine when we are busy taking care of so many things. But finding time to learn about mindfulness may just be the tonic to help put a pause button onto our stressful lives.

Why Mindfulness Is a Superpower

Daily Calm, 10-minute mindfulness meditation

Breathing technique

Mindfulness and Neural Integration

More well-being activities...

11 great adult colouring books

Printable images for colouring-in

Online Yoga Classes

Making Glitter balls

20 Things We Should Say More Often

Visit the Zoo from your own home