Summer Training Tips

Summer Training Tips - Prepare for regular season practice this summer

1. For most of the summer we are building your stamina and strength. Try and run for a certain amount of time while keeping track of the miles.

2. Be aware of the weather. Training in June/July is very different from training in November. Dress appropriately for the weather. Try early morning or evening runs to stay out of the heat of the day.

3. Hydrate

4. Stretch and warm up.

5. Hydrate

6. Find a training partner. Running by yourself is hard. On those days you don’t feel like running, it is easy to stay inside. It is much more difficult to tell someone else ‘no’.

7. Have fun. Vary your workouts. Do some cross training. (ie. Swim, Basketball, Tennis, Ultimate Frisbee, Bike)

8. Hydrate

9. Listen to your body. If you are prone to shin problems, run on softer surfaces, ice frequently. If speed feels good, end workouts with strides and include more tempo runs.

10. Diet: research some good foods for running and remember to eat for the sport. You need proper nutrition to fuel you for success. Don’t eat things that will counteract your progress.

11. Keep a training log. Write down time, mileage, pace, how you felt during the run. Tons of apps can also track this for you.