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What is the district's Expanded Learning Opportunities Program?

It is a learning program that supports students beyond the instructional day with activities that compliment those during the regular school day and school year. We partner with trusted comunity-based organizations that provide our scholars with hands-on activities to empower them so they can reach their fullest potential and become lifelong learners. 

The VVUSD ELO-Program is committed to providing equity and access to all scholard in a positive school/educational environment.

 We love to see our students have fun and engage in activities beneficial to their character development and leadership skills. There are so many activities and events that take place during ELO-P hours. Below are examples of a few of them and images of our students hard at work.


One of our ELO-P academies is in partnership with the Cesar Chavez foundation. This academy, Amped4Making, is also part of a research project to identify how students use math in their day to day life, without sometimes realizing it! The projects include 3D printing, picture frame making using cardboard, 3D model making using clay, and a community project creating cubbies to store their materials.


This academy is in partnership with Riverside Art Museum. Each week, an art instructor teaches a lesson on art followed by a hands-on activity. Students love the opportunity to express themselves by this means.