Utheri Wagura

Q: What are your physics/science interests?

I am broadly interested in mathematical physics, and anything that falls under that umbrella. I like learning about how abstract concepts in algebra and geometry lead to simpler, more principled ways of understanding physical phenomena. However, I still have a lot to learn in both math and physics before I can go into the specifics of what I like in each field.

Q: What are your other interests?

I started playing Guitar during the COVID-19 pandemic, and I hope to continue it for as long as I can. I also enjoy linguistics, reading, movies, and geography.

Q: What would you like to do after college?

That's a tough one! I'll be in graduate school somewhere down the line, but I'm not sure if I'll do it right after graduating. Long term, I want to continue performing physics research, either in academia or industry.

Q: Tell us one strange but interesting fact about yourself.

I read the entire Harry Potter series twice as a kid, because my friend told me he knew someone that had done it three times. Twice felt like enough for me.

Q: What first sparked your interest in Physics?

When I was eight, my dad took me to the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia to see the small telescope they had on their roof. They had a really enthusiastic volunteer there explaining how the telescope worked, and what sorts of stuff you could see even in a heavily light polluted city. I loved his enthusiasm for the subject almost as much as I loved the stuff he was explaining to me. I bought a telescope a few months later, and have wanted to study physics since.

Q: If you could have any pet what would it be?

A capybara, because they look like giant guinea pigs.

Q: If you had a free month and unlimited funds, how would you spend your time?

Travelling! I love watching travel tv shows, but have not been nearly as adventurous in my own life. I would try to hit a new city every day, and see as much of the world as I could in one month.

Q: If you could get a grant to study anything what would it be?

Hmm... I already have a grant to study physics, so I should probably choose something else. I've recently gotten interested in mapmaking, so I would go somewhere remote or not well understood, and learn how to survey the land.