Miles Cochran-Branson

Q: What are your physics/science interests?

I am interested in fundamental physics research from the experimental / computational side of things. Specifically, I am interested in collider physics and high energy particle physics. In addition, I am interested in fundamental mathematical computation as it relates to physical systems.

Q: What are your other interests?

I am an avid reader, I love to swing dance, and I also play the violin!

Q: What would you like to do after college?

I intend on pursuing a Ph.D. in physics after college, although I am considering taking a gap year to work in industry before diving back into academia.

Q: What first sparked your interest in Physics?

I have always had an intense interest in understanding how and why the world works. Moreover, in high school I discovered that more than anything else, mathematics made sense to me. These two simple facts combined to form the passion I have for physics and fundamental research.

Q: If you could have any pet what would it be?

All I’ve wanted for the past several years is a doggo… my college life has prevented me from getting one :(

Q: If you had a free month and unlimited funds, how would you spend your time?

It would be so unbelievably cool to go to space if only to see how the earth looks from the outside. With unlimited funds I could definitely make this happen, although it might take more than a month of preparation to get up there.

Q: If you could get a grant to study anything what would it be?

My knowledge and interest in physics is ever-evolving so currently I have no idea what I would want to study. My hope is that in the next few years I will be able to have a concrete answer to this question after exploring more of what current research in physics has to offer.