Ian Carter

Q: What are your physics/science interests?

I am very interested in science education, specifically helping to change the perception of physics and make it accessible to all students interested in the field. When I tell people that I am studying physics, a common response goes something like “Wow, physics! I could never do physics.” I see this fear of physics in many students entering science fields and a lack of self-confidence is a source of concern for many introductory physics students. I would love to learn how we can change this view of physics and create a culture where physics is seen as an accessible field with amazing possibilities.

Q: What are your other interests?

I played college football for the past 4 years, so I have grown to love working out and participating in athletic activities. I also have a soft spot for collecting books, going to parks, listening to music, traveling to new places, and relish the opportunity to try food that I’ve never had before.

Q: What would you like to do after college?

After college I plan to become a teacher of physics in a public high school. While I teach students and learn about the art of teaching, I will complete my masters in science education. After completing my masters and getting a few years of teaching experience under my belt, I plan to apply for a graduate program that will allow me to conduct physics education research.

Q: Tell us one strange but interesting fact about yourself.

I played the violin for 8 years between middle and high school.

Q: What first sparked your interest in Physics?

As a kid I loved watching the TV show Big Bang Theory and I told my parents that I wanted to be a particle physicist. At that age, I knew nothing about physics other than the physicists were depicted as very intelligent people. My interest in physics wasn’t cemented until my high school physics class where my teacher, Mr. Matt Heer, brought the subject to life and showed me just how amazing the field can be.

Q: If you could have any pet what would it be?

I would never want to take a sloth out of its natural habitat, but hypothetically, if I could have a sloth as a pet I think that would be awesome. I just find sloths to be extremely cute and I wouldn’t have to worry about it running away from me!

Q: If you had a free month and unlimited funds, how would you spend your time?

I would love to take my girlfriend with me as we travel across Europe and see the many natural wonders of the continent. We would also be able to learn from the cultures we meet along the way and make some amazing human connections.

Q: If you could get a grant to study anything what would it be?

I would get a grant to study how we can change the perception of physics for students in middle and high schools. I believe that physics can be an approachable subject for every student with an appropriate mindset and the right learning conditions. With this belief, I would love to research exactly what is required for the subject to become more accessible and how we could implement these measures into the middle/high school settings.