Physics REU

Research Experiences for Undergraduates

University of Washington, Seattle

Summer 2022

June 20 - August 26, 2022

Project Description

The main goal of this program is to provide an exciting and nurturing research experience for students, one that will encourage them to pursue careers as research scientists. Each student is paired with a faculty advisor, and is often supported by interested postdocs and advanced graduate students. Students participate in a 10-week research program, including in most cases a machine shop course. Students meet weekly to discuss their research progress with the program directors and to attend a lecture series on research opportunities in physics.

At the end of the 10-week program students present short talks on their research accomplishments and write summary reports on their projects.

The program will provide a 10-week stipend of $6000, campus housing and meal service, and a travel supplement of up to $500. In the event the UW REU program cannot be held in-person, it will be held virtually.

REU Directors

Subhadeep Gupta, Professor of Physics, University of Washington

Gray Rybka, Associate Professor of Physics, University of Washington


The University of Washington REU program in Physics is sponsored by the National Science Foundation, the University of Washington Physics Department, and the US Department of Energy's National Institute for Nuclear Theory.

The 2022 summer REU class is now full.

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