UW Biological Physics
Seminar Series
Upcoming Events
11.18.2024, 4 PM, PAA A-102- Gautam Reddy (Princeton University), Dynamic landscapes during cellular growth and diversification [UW Physics Colloquium]
12.09.2024, 4 PM, PAA A-102- Sahand Rahi (EPFL), TBA [UW Physics Colloquium]
Past Speakers
10.30.2024, 3 PM, PAB B421- Leenoy Meshulam (University of Washington), Bridging scales in biological systems - from octopus skin to mouse brain
11.13.2024, 3:30 PM, PAB B421 - Jianhua Xing (University of Pittsburgh), How to fold a chromosome?---Studying biological physics in the big data era
9.17.2024 - Gur Yaari (Bar Ilan & Yale), Systems-level Analysis of Adaptive Immunity to Understand the Influence of Genetic and Environmental Factors in Health and Disease
8.22.2024 - Greg Stephens (Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam), Theory, reimagined: Integrative insights from the physics of behavior
7.25.2024 - Mark Transtrum (Brigham Young University), Sloppy approaches to biological modeling
7.10.2024 - Min-Yeh (Victor) Tsai (National Chung Cheng University), Through the Computational Lens: Exploring Key Molecular Mechanisms in Neurodegeneration and Actin Networking
4.30.2024 - Felix Retort (Universitat de Barcelona), Variance sum rule for entropy production
3.1.2024 - Ashok Prasad (Colorado State University), From seeing to knowing: inferring phenotypes from cell morphology