Fortnightly Meetings

TIQM Fortnightly meetings

These meetings are usually on Tuesdays and last 90 minutes. They are informal, extended-length "proto-seminars" in which discussion is strongly encouraged. They are not recorded or broadly advertized, but anyone is welcome to join in. We have a mailing list for announcing these. To date they have been online-only, but we plan to switch to a hybrid model when it becomes possible.

Autumn 2021

16 November 2021 (SPECIAL TIME: 12:00 pm PST) - Deep Gupta (UW), Observation of many-body dynamical delocalization in a kicked 1D ultracold gas

2 November 2021 - Leonid Levitov (MIT), Correlated electronic states in non-twisted graphene multilayers

19 October 2021 - Anton Andreev (UW), Electronic pumping of heat in absence of charge transfer

Summer 2021

13 July 2021 - Jiun-Haw Chu (University of Washington), Strain-tuning a superconducting transition

29 June 2021 - Charlie Marcus (Niels Bohr Institute), The anomalous metal in superconductor-semiconductor hybrids

15 June 2021 - Jing-Yuan Chen (Tsinghua University), Thermal Hall effect in insulators

Spring 2021

1 June 2021 - Erez Berg (Weizmann Institute of Science), strange metals

25 May 201 - Andrea Damascelli (University of British Columbia), progress in ARPES techniques

4 May 2021 - Massimo Rontani (CNR-NANO, Modena) & David Cobden (University of Washington), excitons in WTe2

20 April 2021 - Dima Pesin (University of Virginia), linear and nonlinear Berry-type response in metals

6 April 2021 - Boris Spivak (University of Washington), disorder and nonlinear Schroedinger equation

Winter 2021

23 March 2021 - Anton Andreev (University of Washington), hydrodynamics of electrons in neutral fluid

9 March 2021 - Thorvald Larsen (Microsoft), Superwires II

23 Feb 2021 -- Mark Rudner (Niels Bohr Institute), Floquet II

9 Feb 2021 – Mark Rudner (Niels Bohr Institute), Floquet I

26 Jan 2021 – Thorvald Larsen (Microsoft), Superwires I

Autumn 2020

1 Dec 2020 - Matt Yankowitz (University of Washington), twisted graphenes

3 Nov 2020 – Boris Spivak (University of Washington), reaction rates in magnetic fields