Summer Workshop 2024

New developments in electronic quantum order: transport and dynamics

This workshop will convene experts in electronic order in two- and three-dimensional quantum materials to discuss recent theoretical and experimental developments. Of particular interest are excitonic order, superconductivity, altermagnetism, and spin liquids, and their Floquet engineering.

Dates: Saturday 27 - Monday 29 July 2024

Venue: Physics-Astronomy Auditorium (PAA) Room A118, Department of Physics, University of Washington, Seattle

Registration: Here

Housing: McCarty Hall on the UW campus. One possible walking route from McCarty to PAA is here 

Travel: From Seatac airport, Link Light Rail takes you in 47 minutes for $3.25 to the U District Station which is 0.5 miles walk from McCarty Hall and 0.6 miles walk from PAA. A taxi from Seatac will set you back $70. The closest parking to PAA is the Central Plaza garage.

Saturday 27 July

8.40 coffee & cookies
9.00 Welcome

9.10 Fractional quantum anomalous Hall effect with a band touching - Wang Yao

9.50 Signatures of fractionalization in spectroscopy and transport - Nandini Trivedi

10.30 coffee

11.00 Generalized anomalous Hall crystals in a graphene moiré lattice - Matthew Yankowitz

11.40 Generalized excitons with fractional particle and hole charge in quantum Hall graphene bilayer - Jia Leo Li
12.20 Inside Nature Physics - David Abergel

12.30 lunch buffet & posters

2.10 Conductivity of clean Fermi liquids - Dmitrii Maslov

2.50 Current noise in hydrodynamic Electrons - Aaron Hui
3.30 PRX: an inside look - Victor Vakaryuk

3.40 coffee
4.20 Thin film intermetallics: new structures and enhanced superconductivity - Joseph Falson

5.00 Encapsulated chemistry & engineering of superconductivity in 2D topological chalcogenides - Sanfeng Wu

5.40 Free

Sunday 28 July

8.40 coffee & cookies
9.00 Radiofrequency reflectometry measurement of superfluid stiffness of 2D superconductors - Philip Kim

9.40 Noise-induced stabilization of dynamical states in an AC driven Josephson junction - Gleb Finkelstein

10.20 coffee

11.00 Overcoming the sign problem in lattice QMC: antiferromagnetism and superconductivity in t-t'-U 2d-model - Alexander Lichtenstein

11.40 Microscopic models of altermagnetism - Daniel Agterberg

12.20 lunch buffet & posters

2.00 Electronic pseudogap from fluctuations in low dimensional materials - Yu He

2.40 Chiral spin effects due to k-space Berry curvature: superconductivity and chiral magnetism in Dirac bands - Leonid Levitov

3.20 coffee
4.00 Quantum geometric response - Raquel Queiroz

4.40 Nonreciprocal quantum matter - Justin Song

5.20 Free

Monday 29 July

8.40 coffee & cookies
9.00 What generates a thermal Hall effect in insulators? - Kamran Behnia

9.40 Measuring excitonic fluctuations by strain - Jiun-Haw Chu

10.20 Excitons and superconductivity in the 2D semimetal WTe2 - David Cobden

11.00 coffee

11.30 Monolayer WTe2 as an excitonic spin density wave - Massimo Rontani

12.10 Probing gate-tunable electronic states in 2D quantum materials with STM - Tiancong Zhu

12.50 Under the nano-lens:  revealing quantum materials beyond the diffraction limit - Alexander McLeod

1.30 End

Confirmed attendees

David Abergel
Daniel Agterberg
Kamran Behnia
Joseph Falson
Gleb Finkelstein
Yu He
Aaron Hui
Philip Kim
Leonid Levitov
Jia Leo Li
Yi Li
Alexander Lichtenstein
Charles Marcus
Dmitrii Maslov
Alexander McLeod
Raquel Queiroz
Massimo Rontani
Justin Song
Boris Spivak
Nandini Trivedi
Victor Vakaryuk
Sanfeng Wu
Di Xiao
Xiaodong  Xu
Matthew  Yankowitz
Wang Yao

Guest organizers

Dima Pesin
Alex Levchenko

Home committee

Anton Andreev
Jiun-Haw Chu
David Cobden
Mark Rudner

Student and postdoc helpers

will be listed here