Quantum Information and Simulation for Scientific Applications

PHYS-578A is a Special Topics Course in Theoretical Physics offered at the University of Washington, presented by Martin J. Savage


With rapid advances in the capabilities of a growing array of quantum devices and computers, and the future potential for simulating structure and dynamics of Standard Model physics that cannot be addressed with classical computing, first quantum simulations of small model quantum field theories and many-body systems have started to be performed. The beginning of the Quantum-2 era that this progress heralds has been brought about by remarkable advances across the sciences and engineering, from materials to algorithms, toward precision control of coherence and entanglement in the laboratory for sensing and computing, and their integration. This special topics course in theoretical physics brings together the vision and practical research at the forefront of quantum information science, quantum computing and simulation, and theoretical physics that is enabling the early progress in quantum simulations of quantum systems of future importance for scientific applications including quantum computers and simulators.

The image at the top of this page was created by Ellyn Rue working with Anthony Ciavarella, Natalie Klco, and Martin Savage, and used only with appropriate attribution.

Martin J Savage

Martin is a researcher in fundamental physics in the Physics Department at the University of Washington. He has published in areas ranging from particle phenomenology, nuclear theory, lattice gauge theory, effective field theory, fundamental physics, and is now focused on quantum information, simulation and computing at the interface with Standard Model physics. Currently, he leads the InQubator for Quantum Simulation (IQuS).
