
Jake Kulstad, Ph.D.

jkulstad (at) uw.edu

Manager, Instructional Technology and Support

UW-IT Learning Technologies

E-mail or call for help: help@uw.edu / 206.221.5000 (option 3)

Walk-in Help: Odegaard Library 2nd floor, Room 230

Learning Technologies: http://www.washington.edu/itconnect/learn/tools/ (Links to an external site.)

Microsoft OneDrive: http://www.washington.edu/itconnect/wares/online-storage/skydrive-pro/ (Links to an external site.)

- After first sign-in, you can go to onedrive.com and use your “@uw.edu” login

- Note: Shared and sponsored NetIDs use must be pre-authorized

- Video tutorials on UW Sharepoint sites (Links to an external site.)

Manage/Enable Computing Resources at UW: http://uwnetid.washington.edu/manage (Links to an external site.)

    • Enable faculty/staff web publishing
    • Enable UW Google Apps and Sites
    • Manage Shared UW NetIDs

Canvas Learning Management System

-Log into Canvas to see your courses at UW: http://canvas.uw.edu

- Key Features:

    • -Integrated discussion board, grade book, assignment collection, etc.
    • -Video/audio recording and display is integrated
    • -Video Conferencing is built-in for course participants (similar to Adobe Connect)

Panopto Lecture Capture

http://www.washington.edu/itconnect/learn/tools/panopto/ (Links to an external site.)

Poll Everywhere

try it now... pollev.com/jkulstad

Catalyst Web Tools: https://catalyst.uw.edu/

-WebQ surveys: https://catalyst.uw.edu/webq

Shared NetIDs at UW: http://www.washington.edu/itconnect/accounts/shared.html (Links to an external site.)

Sponsored NetIDs for Collaboration: http://www.washington.edu/itconnect/security/uw-netids/about-uw-netids/about-sponsored-uw-netids/ (Links to an external site.)

UW Groups for central management of resource access: https://groups.uw.edu/

-UW Groups and OneDrive (Links to an external site.)

Google Apps at UW:

-Google Sites for Web Publishing: https://sites.google.com/a/uw.edu (Links to an external site.)

-Google Apps for collaboration: http://www.washington.edu/itconnect/teamwork/googleapps.html (Links to an external site.)