Leśniewski: Logic and Ontology

International Symposium

January 14, 2025

The idea of the symposium

The symposium is organized to mark the occasion of the 2025 World Logic Day by The Lvov-Warsaw School Research Center and the Department of Logic at UKSW. The event aims to present the life and work of Stanisław Leśniewski—one of the greatest representatives of the Warsaw School of Logic, alongside Jan Łukasiewicz and Alfred Tarski, and the creator of renowned logical systems: protothetic, ontology, and mereology. 

During the symposium, both historical and contemporary perspectives on the relationship between logic and ontology will also be presented—a relationship that was one of the main subjects of Leśniewski's research.


Prof. Anna Brożek, head of the Lvov-Warsaw School Research Center, University of Warsaw (abrozek@uw.edu.pl)

Prof. Kordula Świętorzecka, head of the Department of Logic, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw (k.swietorzecka@uksw.edu.pl)

Zoom link: https://uw-edu-pl.zoom.us/j/93632396009?pwd=bHIpPkfXMgno5lgT6GhRaGCoE5NTIg.1

World Logic Day(s) is a series of events organized in Poland as a part of World Logic Day, celebrated every year around January, 14. (see: https://www.unesco.org/en/days/world-logic).

The tradition of logical investigation in Poland is long-lasting and impressive.  Logic has been practiced in Poland since the 14th century when the University in Krakow was founded.  Six centuries later, in the 1920s and 1930s, the Warsaw School of Logic, founded by Jan Łukasiewicz, Stanisław Leśniewski, Alfred Tarski, and their followers, became a world-famous logical center. For the coryphaei of this school, mathematical logic was both an independent, perspective area of research and a necessary element of education.  The importance of logic as the Polish specialty was emphasized in a saying: "Italians have "bel canto", Poles have logic". The value of teaching logic was justified by the conviction that logic is the morality of thought. 



9.00 Opening of the symposium

9.20-10.00 Peter Simons (Trinity College Dublin): Definite Descriptions and Leśniewski’s Logic

10.00-10.40 Jan Woleński (Jagiellonian University): Concept of Being, Mereology, and Set Theory

10.40-11.20 Zuzana Rybaříková (University of Ostrava): There and Back Again: Arthur Prior’s Reception of Leśniewski’s Concept of Names


11.50-12.30 Srećko Kovać (Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb, Croatia): Interplay of Logic and Ontology in the Emergence of Modern Logic: Some Aspects of the Development

12.30-13.10 Vihren Bouzov (St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria): On Eternal Truths, Truth-conditions and the Logical Principle of Excluded Middle

13.10.-13.50 Konrad Zdanowski & Maria Książkiewicz (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw): How to Choose a Rightheous Path? (in memory of Professor Pogonowski)

13.50-14.30 Rafał Gruszczyński (Nicolaus Copernicus University of Toruń): Regions, Spheres, and Ovals. Point-free Geometries since Leśniewski to Contemporary Times


15.30-16.10 Andrzej Pietruszczak (Nicolaus Copernicus University of Toruń): Russell’s Paradox (Antinomy) and the Beginnings of Mereology [PL, slides in English]

16.10-16.50 Łukasz Kowalik (University of Warsaw): Denotation and Connotation from the Ontological Perspective

16.50-17.30 Wiesław Wójcik (Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa): Współpraca i polemiki Stanisława Leśniewskiego z Polską Szkołą Matematyczną [PL]

17.30-18.10 Ryszard Miszczyński (Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa): O relacji Stanisława Leśniewskiego i Alfreda Tarskiego [PL]

18.10-18.50 Marek Rembierz (University of Silesia): "Nie rozumiem". Stanisław Leśniewski a style krytyki i refleksji metafilozoficznej [PL]

18.50-19.00 Closing of the symposium

The hours are given in Central European Time.

Organizers: The Lvov-Warsaw School Reseaech Center, Faculty of Philosophy, University o Warsaw and Department of Logic, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw.

Zoom link: https://uw-edu-pl.zoom.us/j/93632396009?pwd=bHIpPkfXMgno5lgT6GhRaGCoE5NTIg.1

Contact: Anna Brożek (abrozek@uw.edu.pl), Kordula Świętorzecka (k.swietorzecka@uksw.edu.pl)

Recording: session one

Recording: session two

Recording: session III