50 Goals for 50 Years

UTRF's Board of Directors, staff, and volunteers have listed 50 goals to achieve within the next 50 years!

Goal 1: Antony Wood

Increase Unity Temple's profile internationally, as both a modern marvel of architecture, and a destination for events. ~ Antony Wood

Goal 2: Rosa Santos

Use Unity Temple as a creative space for architecture education for younger audiences. ~ Rosa Santos

Goal 3: Brad White

Kick off the fundraising for a special fund to support long-term preservation of Unity Temple. ~ Brad White

Goal 4: Laura Thompson

Keep Unity Temple a center of the Chicago community with vibrant arts programming. ~ Laura Thompson

Goal 5: Leo Koonmen

Create a Legacy Fund for Unity Temple, in order to be able to accept bequests and other estate-planning gifts on behalf of this historic building. ~ Leo Koonmen

Goal 6: Ron Scherubel

Include more student performing groups for the chamber and performing arts series. ~ Ron Scherubel

Goal 7: Sara Barnett

Strengthen relationships with government stakeholders. ~ Sara Barnett

Goal 8: Antony Wood

Temporary art installations on the front lawn. ~ Antony Wood

Goal 9: Rosa Santos

Ignite partnerships with other organizations to promote each other, leverage spaces, or share programming. ~ Rosa Santos

Goal 10: Brad White

Secure a lead gift for a capital reserve/endowment/preservation fund. ~ Brad White

Goal 11: Laura Thompson

Position Unity Temple as a primary venue for Chicago events. ~ Laura Thompson

Goal 12: Leo Koonmen

Aspire to be the "architectural social club" for Oak Park, a gathering place for like-minded local supporters of architecture. ~ Leo Koonmen

Goal 13: Sara Barnett

Ensuring UTRF has the tools to move us into the next 50 years. ~ Sara Barnett

Goal 14: Bob Burke

Develop opportunities for local students to tour Unity Temple as part of their curriculum. ~ Bob Burke, administrative volunteer

Goal 15: Antony Wood

Increase sponsorship support, from both within and outside the building industry. ~ Antony Wood

Goal 16: Rosa Santos

Utilize Unity Temple as a media center for podcast, radio, and broadcasting studio events ~ Rosa Santos

Goal 17: Heidi Ruehle

Build a multi-million dollar fund for long-term preservation needs. ~ Heidi Ruehle