Welcome to the Stavoe Lab

We're interested in elucidating the molecular mechanisms of neuronal homeostasis, particularly during aging.

How is neuronal autophagy regulated?

Autophagy is tightly regulated in neurons. Using in vitro and in vivo models, we aim to uncover the molecular pathways that impinge upon various stages of the autophagy pathway in neurons.

How can we modulate neuronal autophagy during aging and disease?

We aim to utilize the molecular pathways that regulate neuronal autophagy to increase the healthspan of the nervous system in vivo and elucidate therapeutic targets for neurodegenerative diseases.

Our Model Systems

Primary Murine Neuron Culture

Biochemistry and advanced live-cell imaging techniques in a mammalian system provide an ideal platform for understanding these complex signaling and regulatory pathways in higher metazoans on the path to establishing potential therapeutic targets for neurodegenerative diseases.

C. elegans

The simple nervous system, genetic feasibility, conserved molecular pathways, and short life span make worms a great model to study neuronal autophagy during aging.  

AKHS 160916_LC3-1462_mCh-egfp-LC3_ 24 proximal mCh-1 video.avi

Autophagosome transport in the axon

AKHS 171201_LC3-1745_LC3-Atg5-9_ 13 crop video.avi

Autophagosome biogensis in the distal axon