
Lin Lab

Visualizing biomolecular dynamics in real-time and real-space

About Us

The Lin Lab is a biophysics lab at the Department of Chemistry, University of Texas at Austin. Lin group members come from all over the world, and we value having people from many different backgrounds.

Our Research

We develop High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy (HS-AFM) to visualize real-time biomolecular dynamics at the single-molecular level. Current lab interests include the structural and functional dynamics of membrane proteins, protein-DNA interactions, and viral proteins.

The Team

In the Lin Lab, you will find a vibrant and dedicated team of single-molecular biophysicists. We are actively looking for highly motivated postdoctoral researchers, graduate students, and undergraduate students who are interested in biophysics, molecular & structure biology, biomedical engineering, and computer science. 

Contact Information

Dr. Yi-Chih Lin 

The University of Texas at Austin

Department of Chemistry

100 E. 24th Street

Welch 3.226j (office)

Welch 3.280 (Lab, temporary)

AUSTIN, TX 78712