Transportation Performance Management Creates Group Performance Index

Item #: 20230053





Explaining to others the value of your work and what you contribute as a group can be hard especially in the environment we are in. Many times leaders don’t know what each person is doing let alone know how they are doing unless something comes along that is wrong. Employee engagement is supported by understanding how their work connects to a bigger picture.  


The Performance Management team wanted to tell what we do and have a way to tell others how we are doing. Our team created one pagers that describe the day to day role, and explain projects we are working on/ reporting to others. These one pagers help others quickly see what our group does and we even add pictures to help explain. 

To help leadership know how well we are doing we created a tracking tool. This tool is called our Performance Index. This index was created from the ground level, tracking three tasks that each employee is doing. We were able to take the employees every day/weekly/or monthly tasks and place a timeline.


For one year, the team tracked how well they were doing and set a group goal of being over 90% by the end of FY23. At the end of the year, the group was able to finish at the 96% mark. They found many areas that the group could track next year and make improvements. Areas of improvement or savings: 

• Updated the Strategic Direction Website showing all of the traffic data on time. 

• Upgraded ten CCS sites to power and fiber- saving the group maintenance visits and data being lost. 

• Submitted the HPMS into FHWA on time and created a new 2-pager review sheet for leaders. 

• Helped groups with their performance measures creating measures that help make decisions with the department that could save money. 

• Found funding for WIM sites that will help track weight and class of vehicles coming into the state. These sites will help make decisions on future projects for saving to the Department.