e-Tools for Learning

This site provides links to useful Web 2.0 tools that can easily be integrated into instruction. New online e-tools seem to be added daily and this site is by no means a complete index, a Google search for online applications to do __________ (fill in the blank will yield suggestions that may help you). If you are aware of e-tools that should be part of this curated site, please send your ideas for inclusion to Debra Spielmaker, the team leader for the National Center for Agricultural Literacy at Utah State University.

The term Web 2.0 is associated with web applications that facilitate participatory information sharing, interoperability, user-centered design, and collaboration on the World Wide Web. A Web 2.0 site allows users to interact and collaborate with each other in a social media dialogue as creators of user-generated content in a virtual community, in contrast to websites where users (consumers) are limited to the passive viewing of content that was created for them. Examples of Web 2.0 as described on Wikipedia include social networking sites, blogs, wikis, video sharing sites, hosted services, web applications, mashups and folksonomies. So what is Web 3.0? Learn more on Lifewire.