CTDR - WTDR 2018

 IV Best MSc Dissertation and PhD Thesis Contest in Robotics - CTDR
IV Workshop on MSc Dissertation and PhD Thesis in Robotics - WTDR
November 8, 2018 - João Pessoa Convention Center - João Pessoa/PB, Brazil

About CTDR

CTDR-2018 will take place in parallel to WTDR-2018. The main goals of CTDR are to divulge and award the best academic work in Robotics concluded in Brazilian Universities from October, 2016 to October, 2018. CTDR expects papers with concluded work, with evaluation and results. Selected works will be presented and judged during ROBOTICA 2018. Notice that in the submission phase, the main object of judgment is the paper; while during the conference, the main object of judgment are the full thesis or dissertation and the juri evaluation of the presentation.

About WTDR

WTDR-2018 is part of ROBOTICA 2018, which will be held in João Pessoa Convention Center - João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil, on November 06-10, 2018.

WTDR provides an opportunity for PhD and MSc students in Brazil to present their ongoing and/or recently concluded research with a panel of established researchers in Robotics.

Call-for-Paper - CFP Text version - CFP Web Site version


>>> CONFERENCE PROGRAM - Detailed Schedule (pdf file available here) <<<



  • 1st. place: Marcos Ricardo Omena de Albuquerque Maximo / ITA
  • 2nd. best: Hélio Azevedo / CTI-CenPRA e USP São Carlos
  • 3rd. best: Otacílio Neto / IFPB



  • 1st. place: Elias José Freitas / UFMG
  • 2nd. best: Jhielson Montino Pimentel / UFMG
  • 3rd. best: Pedro Otávio Cardozo de Souza Ribeiro / FURG


>>> Link: ACCESS TO PAPERS (PDF) <<<


  • Contestants of the Best Thesis in Robotics

#188549 - Uma Abordagem Distribuída para a Implementação de Sistemas de SLAM Visual Baseados em Reconstrução Geométrica

Otacilio Neto (IFPB - Brazil),

Abel Lima Filho (UFPB Brazil),

Tiago Nascimento (Universidade Federal da Paraiba - Brazil)

#188582 - Integração de sistemas cognitivo e robótico por meio de uma ontologia para modelar a percepção do ambiente

Helio Azevedo (Centro de Tecnologia da Informação Renato Archer - Brazil),

Roseli Ap. Francelin Romero (USP-SC - Brazil)

#189108 - Automatic Walking Step Duration through Model Predictive Control

Marcos Maximo (Aeronautics Institute of Technology - Brazil),

Carlos Ribeiro (ITA - Brazil),

Rubens Afonso (Aeronautics Institute of Technology - Brazil)

  • Contestants of the Best Master Thesis in Robotics

#188530 - Task Allocation Problem under Social Choice view: an Arrovian Analysis of Multi-robot Systems

Wallace dos Reis (Instituto Federal do Rio de Janeiro - Brazil),

Guilherme Bastos (Universidade Federal de Itajuba - Brazil)

#188532 - Autonomous Environment Exploration Based on Information Gain

Jhielson Montino Pimentel (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - Brazil),

Douglas Macharet (Universidade Federal De Minas Gerais - Brazil),

Mario Fernando Campos (UFMG - Brazil)

#189083 - Underwater Scene Matching with Acoustic Images using Deep Learning

Pedro Otávio Cardozo de Souza Ribeiro (FURG - Brazil)

Paulo L. J. Drews-Jr (FURG - Brazil)

Silvia S. C. Botelho (FURG - Brazil)

#189098 - Uma estratégia para navegação de robôs de serviço semiautônomos usando informação local e planejadores probabilísticos

Elias José Freitas (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - Brazil),

Guilherme Pereira (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - Brazil)

  • ORAL Presentations / PhD and MSc

#188407 - Predição de mapeamento para navegação autônoma de um robô de inspeção em vasos de pressão esféricos

Marco A. Teixeira (Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - Brazil),

Lucia Valéria de Arruda (Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - Brazil),

Andre Schneider de Oliveira (Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR) - Brazil)

#188496 - Efficient Recognition of Multiple 3D Objects in Point Clouds with a Multifoveation Mechanism (CTDR)

Fabio Oliveira (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - Brazil),

Luiz Gonçalves (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - Brazil),

Rafael Beserra Gomes (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte - Brazil)

#188551 - Um simulador para robótica social aplicado a ambientes internos

José Pedro Belo (University of São Paulo - Brazil),

Roseli Ap. Francelin Romero (USP-SC - Brazil)

#188554 - Graph Optimization and Probabilistic SLAM of Mobile Robots using an RGB-D Sensor

Joao Soares (PUC-Rio - Brazil),

Marco Meggiolaro (DEM-PUC-Rio - Brazil)

#189082 - Feature extraction from 3D point clouds

Carlos André Braile Przewodowski Filho (Universidade de São Paulo - Brazil),

Fernando Osorio (USP - Universidade de Sao Paulo - Brazil)

#188500 - Efficient Recognition of Multiple 3D Objects in Point Clouds with a Multifoveation Approach (WTDR)

Fabio Oliveira (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - Brazil),

Luiz Gonçalves (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - Brazil),

Rafael Beserra Gomes (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte - Brazil)

  • POSTER Presentations / PhD and MSc

#188529 - Navegação Segregada em Enxames de Robôs

Fabrício Inácio (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - Brazil),

Luiz Chaimowicz (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - Brazil),

Douglas Macharet (Universidade Federal De Minas Gerais - Brazil)

#188562 - Enabling real-time processing for ROS2 embedded systems

Lucas Medeiros (Federal University of Itajuba - Brazil)

Rodrigo M. A. Almeida (Federal University of Itajuba - Brazil)

Guilherme S. Bastos (Federal University of Itajuba - Brazil)

#189087 - Sistema de Visão Computacional para Soldagem Linear Automatizada de Chapas Chanfradas

Átila Weis (FURG - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - Brazil),

Paulo Lilles Drews Jr (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG) - Brazil),

Nelson Duarte Filho (FURG - Brazil)

CTDR-WTDR 2018 - Conference Chairs

  • Fernando Santos Osório (Universidade de São Paulo – USP / São Carlos)
  • Gustavo Pessin (Researcher at Vale Institute of Technology - ITV )

ROBOTICA 2018 - General Chair

  • Tiago Pereira do Nascimento

ROBOTICA 2018 - Joint Conferences CTDR-WTDR, LARS-SBR, WRE, MNR

Organization and Sponsors

CTDR - WTDR 2018


SBC – Brazilian Computer Society

CER - Robotics Council of SBC/Special Interest Group on Robotics (CER)