PPST Domain 7: Personal Growth and Professional Development

What is PPST Domain 7: Personal Growth and Professional Development

Domain 7 focuses on teachers’ personal growth and professional development. It accentuates teachers’ proper and high personal regard for the profession by maintaining qualities that uphold the dignity of teaching such as caring attitude, respect and integrity. This Domain values personal and professional reflection and learning to improve practice. It recognizes the importance of teachers’ assuming responsibility for personal growth and professional development for lifelong learning, from DepEd Order 42, s. 2017.

Domain Reflection

For my personal growth and professional development, let me share that despite being a digital native, there are a lot of things I need to learn and relearn. The influx of advancements and updates on applications and programs might be on a different scale of what I have learned back then. Also, the way we are going to utilize and employ ICT will be very different now. Before, I was using the computer’s interface as a student, but now, I am going to use it as a teacher. They are different in a sense that in the shoes of a teacher, I will make use of online applications and webpages to show and facilitate the teaching and learning process. The quote, you cannot teach what you do not know, somehow apply to this. I cannot employ and use online applications which I am not familiar with, it might happen that I am using an application in the teaching and learning process that both I and the students are not aware of. It would then be a waste of time and effort. Hence, as I go near to the teaching profession and professionally develop myself, I would dedicate some of my time studying and updating my pool of applications and resources. I would engage in curating resources and applications that would someday help me in the teaching and learning process that I would engage in.

As I am still in the process of becoming professional, I try to meet what is expected of me, it includes written standards, expectations, and even personal or professional qualities or competencies. As I am doing right now, I try to develop most of these because I do believe that one day, these traits and qualities would help me better my provision and facilitation of the teaching and learning cycle. Hence, I can say, upon doing some reflection and realization, I have acquired some traits and have met a few competencies already. But, in a scale, I am yet to achieve the very top of the scale in terms of manifesting its attribution both internally and externally. So, I dedicate to continue learning both as a person- for personal growth and as a teacher- for professional development.

Currently, I have been actively engaging in some leadership webinars that are organized by professionals and big universities. This engagement allows me to benchmark strategies and tactics to employ not just as a student leader today but also as a teacher-leader tomorrow. Though I will be finishing the fur years of formal education and training to be a teacher, continuous learning should be my case to keep me up-to-date with the current trends and improve myself as a person and as a professional.

Expectations and Ways I can Contribute to my University

On a thicker substance note, since the school has a long list of criteria and standards, there are also expectations that I, as a practice teacher, needs to fulfill upon their acceptance of my application to be a practice teacher in their institution. One of these is being able to embody the 5C value indicators of a Vincentian graduate (undergraduate), such as Christ-centered; charitable; compassionate; creative; and competent. These should be embodied in words, in actions, and in thoughts. Since the mode of learning shifted to online modality, routinely integration of these values also goes with online learning. Thus, a challenge indeed. But I have accepted fully and tried my best to be able to practice and apply these values in my observation, daily demonstration teaching, and final demonstration teaching. Also, as discussed during the pre-deployment sessions together with the different cooperating teachers of the school, being on a modest, competent, and professional mode is always required especially in front (on camera) with the students and even at the back (off camera) from the students. This includes being able to practice and fill the shoes of a professional teacher already. Upon wearing my practicum uniform- joining in the Google meeting- and- turning on my camera I always remember that I am in this class not just as an individual practice teacher (student) but also as a representation of my program and school. Thus, I need to be in the mode where I will be treated as a teacher and not just as another one of their classmates. I also need to bring back joy, success, competence, good reputation, and honor to the teacher education program.

Responsive to the aforementioned practices and demands: I contributed to my cooperating school through sharing in the school’s vision and mission and through its underlying values. As a competent Vincentian practice teacher, how I want to embody and put into practice myself as an intern, I ensured that at the end of the class every learner, in every class I attend to, has learned something beneficial to them both in theory and in practice. I ensured myself that I have shared in the cooperating school’s cause in developing a competent and well-mannered Vincentian student. This cause also goes with producing globally and culturally competent Vincentian learners (graduates).

Practice Teacher in Practicum Uniform

The Personal Characteristic of My Model Teacher That has Made A Great Impact In My Life As A Learner

I must say the personal qualities that my teachers manifested during my study when I was still under their care took a toll to my success as a student. They emphasized countless things that had helped me surpass and learn numerous things that are of practical and academic use. One of my teachers actually inspired me to take on this profession, because I saw the goodness and the passion in her which emanates in the class and engages and motivates students to keep on trying and going!

If I were to see one of my model teacher’s personal qualities that ever since had an effect and impact on my life it would be her ability to teach and her wit of knowledge. She had surprised not just me but also the whole class. She can bring out the best of potential out of every student by prompting and guiding students to develop a sense of knowledge which are authored by them. When she walks in the door of the class, everyone knows we are up to some discussion and deliberate knowledge gaining experience. Her presence exhibits a deep knowledge and understanding across disciplines and most especially the subject science- biology. One thing that I also like about her personal qualities is that she is sensitive about the student’s shoes and where they are coming from. She immediately knows and senses whether the student is having a hard time understanding the concept and she makes immediate scaffold to help the student understand the concept better. She also knows the life of the students after class, and who’s who when the teacher is not around, which helps her understand which students she can ask for help to peer tutor some of the students. She is also close to the students and takes on the shoes of a mother inside the school.

Students During my Daily Demonstration Teaching

Correlation of Teacher Performance and Student Performance

If all the teachers teaching today possess the professional characteristics and competencies suggested in the PPST then learners will be more successful and there will be more student achiever not just in the class but nationwide or national. This brings me back to my experience or learning in the Webinar for Teachers and Educators held last November 26, 2021, where one of the speaker highlighted that the Philippines is at the last when it comes to student performance in NAT across the globe. Though we cannot solely blame the curriculum and its existing provisions, another factor that can be associated to these result is the teachers and students interaction. For this answer, let’s consider the correlation of teacher qualities and competencies with students’ performance. Though there’s a very little link between this two, the latter still affects students’ performance. So, teachers should move and develop good qualities and worth professional competencies once in the profession.

The 21st Century Classroom

Managing Teaching-learning in The 21st Century Classroom.

Moving towards what others call a Glocal teacher, I think some of the hindrances and obstacles that I would be facing, along with my students, would be the integration of extensions and interactive activities into a virtual class conference. Yes we will think of ways to meet the global standards as stipulated by the K to 12 program meanwhile localizing its approach in the content delivery. But we draw the line whether students and teachers can meet halfway in the pathway of a Glocal teaching learning environment and cycle.

As I prepare and study further into this profession I would dedicate my time into realizations and reflections of what the Philippines’ current situation is. It includes idealizing the classroom with multiple drawbacks made by access and connectivity. Also when it comes to implementing these plans and actualizing the goals or intended learning outcomes, I would chunk and slice learning procedures into comprehensible and easier steps so that students can meet me halfway through the process. Also, living in the same community where the students reside would get me close to the locality’s resources and situation. Which I can use and integrate in the class discussion, in this way, we are localizing or using local resources meanwhile preparing students to meet global demands and standards.

Philosophy of Education, A Definition Collection

The Dominant Philosophy of Education in the Philippines: An Observation

I think the common philosophy in education in the Philippines is empiricism. This is because the Philippines has a diverse range of resources and teachers all around the country make use of experiential learning. Even study shows that students learn better if they have physical experiences. Addition to this, during one of our observations or video watching to a very poor community, the teachers in the school make use of twigs, rocks, and even leaves to teach the course content of counting. This proves that Filipinos are among the most resourceful people when it comes to delivering education.

Despite the global demands, competencies, and standards, teachers should still facilitate existentialism among learners. This philosophy urges teachers to recognize that each person is unique, and that education must accommodate these differences. As a result, the goal of education is to enable each individual to develop his or her own unique talents, to maximize their potential, and to cultivate their individualities.

Continuing Learning

The Role of MOOC in Future Career As A Professional Teacher

As a future professional teacher, the valuable things and insights I would be curating and pulling out from the experience provided in the Massive Open-Online Courses (MOOCs), would help me greatly on how I will approach and deal with my future students. It would update and keep me up-to-date with the right knowledge, skills, and trends (educational/ academic trends). Meanwhile, as a lifelong learner or as a reflective practitioner, it would personally and professionally help me to develop and expand my knowledge and ideas on concepts and theories. Because I do believe that after finishing the four years course of education, learning should continue. Whatever the learning experience and means be, may it be a professional masters or PhD. Class, or a typical MOOC, it will still help me develop and learn more.

Resources I find Helpful in Continuing Learning

50 Education Technology Tools Every Teacher Should Know About

This website document, 50 Education Technology Tools Every Teacher should know about, highlights and gives a teacher with a curated resources per category. The categories includes: Social Learning, Learning, Lesson Planning and Tools, and Useful Tools. There are some engagement and motivation applications and websites found here that I can someday use when I practice the teaching profession. http://bessawahba.weebly.com/uploads/2/6/3/6/26366345/tools50.pdf

Self Paced Online Courses

EdTechTeacher.org is an online webpage which is designed to help teachers and pre-service teachers with their daily endeavors in the teaching cycle. It is a cumulative resource of references and tools that are easy to use and employ. https://edtechteacher.org/

Meet Socrative

I think this is a technology driven tool that I want to study and read more about because it has great features and interface that I think can really help me, most especially for assessing learning. By conceptual definition, Socrative is a formative assessment tool that helps teachers and learners to assess understanding and progress in real time in class through the use of quizzes, questions and reflection questions. https://www.socrative.com/