Critical Decisions:

Was Truman's Decision to drop the bomb, to end the War in the Pacific, Justified or Not?

Over the last 70 years tremendous controversy has arisen over the United States and President Harry S. Truman’s decision to use and drop the bomb on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945. It is important to remember, that the final, ultimate decision rested solely in the hands of our Commander-in-Chief, President Truman. Both points of conflicting view argue over the necessity of ending the war, just in differing ways, of course, the main difference being the more than 200,000 civilians who died.

The next project will ask you to analyze a historical event from a unique viewpoint. The entire class has been studying the use of the Atomic Bomb but you will each find an original viewpoint to study its use . A media enhanced essay is similar to a regular written essay but it includes additional videos, graphics and images to further support your point of view. This essay will argue whether Truman's use of the atomic bomb to end the war in the Pacific was justified. Use the resources found on this site to learn about the decision, and to support your essay.