
This is A good example of high eye view because the camera is higher than the subject.

this is a very good example of worms eye view because the camera is a lot lower than the subject.

this is a good example of low eye view because the camera is a little bit lower than the subject.

this is a pretty good example of birds eye view because the camera is a lot higher than the subject.

this is another example of low eye view because the camera is lower than the subject.

this is another example of birds eye view because the camera is very high from da user.

this is another example of high eye view because it has a higher view than the person using the camera.

this is another worms eye view because the camera your holding a lot lower than you.

this is a example of normal eye view because the camera is the same height of yourself.

this is a very interesting example of normal eye view because the camera has the same volume of height as you.