Balance and Symmetry

This is a balanced picture because brown is a dark color compared to Alexia's white shoes.

This a symmetrical because if you cut the emoji in half it would look the same.

This picture of the flag is a symmetrical picture.

This picture is balance because Savannah's black jacket is darker than the blue handicapped sign.

This flower is symmetrical because if you split it in half it's the same on both sides.

The bar is balanced because green is a darker color.

This hole is a symmetrical.

This picture is a balanced and symmetrical picture.

This tissue box is balanced because the tissue is a lighter color in contrast to the blue, gray, and white on the box.

This board is symmetrical because if they're put in half they would look the same.

Allison Traditional Magnet Middle School is balanced because the black weighs out the color of the red bricks.

The picture of this stump is a symmetrical picture.