KC Community Kitchen

The project I lead this semester was KC Community Kitchen which we attended on October 2nd. Below are pictures and a few things we did on this project.

What is KC Community Kitchen?

KC Community Kitchen is an organization that feeds people in downtown KC that might not be able to afford the food on their own. They have been open and serving the community for over 35 years. At this project, volunteers were assigned roles such as being a host or hostess, drink or food server, table busser, dish washer, and a food prepper. We had a total of 25 students come and volunteer with us on this project.

In this picture, we have some of our volunteers that are serving the food to the waiters and waitresses for them to take back to the tables.

This picture shows two volunteers who are peeling sweat potatoes for the community kitchen to use another time this week.


One memory I have from this project is anytime you were carrying a knife around in the kitchen, Kenny, the head chef at KC Community Kitchen, would make you yell "sharp knife" to make sure everyone got out of the way. If you didn't yell loud enough he would make you go back and start over which was fun to watch. Another highlight from this project is that we were able to feed over 200 people in just three hours. That shows how important KC Community Kitchen is and how we were able to reach out and impact so many lives.


This is the overall video of the KC Community Kitchen project.

I had an amazing time and have great memories from this project. I can not wait to go back next year!