What's new: I have filed my dissertation "The dynamical foundation of articulation in stuttered speech." Read the abstract of my dissertation here; as journal articles are in progress, feel free to reach out here for a download link to the dissertation. 

Hi, my name is Yijing Lu. [CV] [Google Scholar] [Linkedin] [ResearchGate]

I am currently a postdoc in the department of Linguistics and Cognitive Sciences at the University of Potsdam, Germany, working with Adamantios Gafos. I completed my PhD in Linguistics at the University of Southern California, US, under the supervision of Louis Goldstein.

I am interested in speech production, in particular articulatory behaviors in atypical speech. Leveraging real-time vocal tract MRI and computational methods, my research aims to:

My dissertation "The Dynamical Foundation Of Articulation In Stuttered Speech" investigates these three aspects about persistent developmental stuttering (abstract).

I am a remember of the Phonology & Phonetics group at University of Potsdam. I am an alumnus of the Phonetics and Phonology Group at USC. I have research collaborations with the Speech Production and Articulation kNowledge (SPAN) group and the Dynamic Imaging Science Center at USC.