Hi, my name is Yijing Lu. [CV] [Google Scholar] [Linkedin] [ResearchGate]
I am currently a postdoc in the department of Linguistics and Cognitive Sciences at the University of Potsdam, Germany, working with Adamantios Gafos. I completed my PhD in Linguistics at the University of Southern California, US, under the supervision of Louis Goldstein.
I am interested in speech production, in particular articulatory behaviors in atypical speech. Leveraging real-time vocal tract MRI and computational methods, my research aims to:
provide a quantitive characterization of the articulatory-behavioral patterns during atypical speech production, many of which cannot be inferred from perceptual or acoustic records alone
based on new articulatory data, test existing hypotheses regarding the causal processes of disordered speech
when previous hypotheses fail to explain the empirical findings, develope new theoretical accounts using the framework of Dynamical Systems Theory.
My dissertation "The Dynamical Foundation Of Articulation In Stuttered Speech" investigates these three aspects about persistent developmental stuttering (abstract).
I am a remember of the Phonology & Phonetics group at University of Potsdam. I am an alumnus of the Phonetics and Phonology Group at USC. I have research collaborations with the Speech Production and Articulation kNowledge (SPAN) group and the Dynamic Imaging Science Center at USC.