Fairness, Efficiency, and Transparency in ML


Motivated from the problems faced by under-served communities or in under-resourced settings, we are working to define and quantify fairness in machine learning. Our aim is to build intelligent decision-making systems that effectively trade-off fairness, efficiency, and transparency while being robust to uncertainty/noise in the data.

Sample decision-tree

Applications for Social Good

Design of Optimal and Fair Decision Trees for Decision-Making in Socially Sensitive Settings

We are developing optimal, fair, and interpretable machine learning algorithms suitable for decision-making in socially sensitive settings. Our work is motivated by the increased use of machine learning techniques to make decisions affecting marginalized communities and vulnerable populations.

Census Dataset

Default Dataset

Optimal Classification and Regression Trees

We are also focused on speeding-up computation of optimal decision-trees that can capture arbitrary constraints (e.g., fairnees, interpretability) to faciliate open-world deployment. Our approaches are 50x faster than existing techniques.

Optimality gaps

Number of instances solved

Related Papers

Strong optimal classification trees

(*) S. Aghaei, A. Gomez, P. Vayanos

Under review at Operations Research, January 2021.

Learning optimal and fair decision trees for non-discriminative decision-making

(*) S. Aghaei, (*) M.J. Azizi, P. Vayanos

In Proceedings of 33rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2019.

note: acceptance rate ~16% in year of submission

Learning optimal classification trees: strong max-flow formulations

(*) S. Aghaei, A. Gomez, P. Vayanos

Technical report, available on Optimization Online, 2020.

Designing fair, efficient, and interpretable policies for prioritizing homeless youth for housing resources

(*) M. J. Azizi, P. Vayanos, B. Wilder, E. Rice and M. Tambe

In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on the Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research (CPAIOR), 2018.

Invited to Constraints journal fast track for outstanding papers.

Related Grants

CES Triage Tool Redesign and Implementation

Home for Good Foundation

Role: Co-PI (PI: Eric Rice)

Award ID: TBD

Total Award Period Covered: 01/01/2020-12/31/2022

Total Award Amount: $1,450,000

Own Share: $334,000

Designing Fair, Efficient, and Interpretable Policies for Allocating Scarce Resources

USC James H. Zumberge Faculty Research & Innovation Fund Diversity & Inclusion Grant Program

Role: Sole PI

Funded for the period: 07/2018-07/2019

Total award amount: $30,000

Own Share: $30,000