MATH 710

Representation of Compact Lie Groups


This is a student seminar in USC in Fall 2022. Our aim is to understand the classification and representation theory of compact Lie groups. We'll go through the first four chapters of [Bröcker-tom Dieck] and possibly the last chapter if we had time. All undergrad and graduate students at USC are welcomed to participate in, and participants are encouraged to give a talk on some of the contents. The minimal prerequisites for this seminar are algebra(MATH 410) and real analysis(MATH 425ab). For those interested in the seminar, please email so that I can add you to the mailing list. We'll meet at 1:00-2:20pm every Friday.



  1. [Bröcker-tom Dieck] Bröcker, T., & Dieck, T. (1985). Representations of Compact Lie Groups. Springer.