Inverse Reinforcement Learning Framework for Transferring Task Sequencing Policies from Humans to Robots in Manufacturing Applications


In this work, we present an inverse reinforcement learning approach for solving the problem of task sequencing for robots in complex manufacturing processes. Our proposed framework is adaptable to variations in process and can perform sequencing for completely new parts. We prescribe an approach to capture feature interactions in a demonstration dataset based on a metric that computes feature interaction coverage. We then actively learn the expert's policy by keeping the expert in the loop. Our training and testing results reveal that our model can successfully learn the expert's policy. We demonstrate the performance of our method on a real-world manufacturing application where we transfer the policy for task sequencing to a manipulator. Our experiments show that the robot can perform these tasks to produce human-competitive performance.


 Real Dataset


Real Training Dataset

We use 6 tools for training by recording expert's sequences on each one of them

Real Testing Dataset

We use the trained model to predict sequences for the tools in testing dataset. We evaluate the model by comparing the model generated sequences and expert's desired sequences for these testing tools

 Synthetic Dataset


In the synthetic dataset, we have 10 tools out of which 6 are used for training and 4 are used for testing. We set the weight array w* such that it has a unit norm and all values are equal. We then evaluate the shortest cost sequence for all the tools using this w*. We train a model using the training dataset and use this trained model to perform prediction on the testing dataset

Synthetic Training Dataset

Synthetic Testing Dataset

Feature Information


List of Features

NOTE: All features are normalized between 0 and 1