The USC autoDRIVE Lab

The USC AutoDrive Lab focuses on research on development of autonomous system technologies particularly those of relevance for autonomous driving. It is co-directed by Prof. Rahul Jain and Prof. Pierluigi Nuzzo.

We are currently looking for enthusiastic students (UG, MS or PhD) to work in the lab on various aspects: mathematical, theoretical, algorithmic, software and robotic hardware projects.


Prof. Rahul Jain, Co-Director and PI

Prof. Pierluigi Nuzzo, Co-Director and PI

Dhruva Mokhavinasu, Postdoc (from October 2021)

Krishna Kalagarla, RA, PhD Student

Nathan Dahlin, RA, PhD Student

Cenyi Liu, MS Student researcher

Yifan Liu, Undergraduate researcher

Chanwook Oh, PhD Student

Yifeng Xiao, PhD Student

Matthew Low, PhD Student

Zhuojun Chen, Undergraduate researcher

Brooke Rios, Undergraduate researcher

Lillian Liang, Undergraduate researcher

Daara Mazaheri, Undergraduate researcher


Verification and Synthesis of AI-enabled systems, ONR

Formal Reinforcement Learning Methods, NSF

Self-Driving Vehicle Testbed
