Workshop on Data-Driven and Computational Modeling of Materials Across Scales

May 10-12, 2023

University of California, Los Angeles

We welcome you to the USACM Workshop on Data-Driven and Computational Modeling of Materials Across Scales, to be held on the UCLA campus, in Los Angeles, California, during the dates of May 10-12, 2023.

The workshop will cover various aspects of multiscale modeling, including data-driven and computational approaches. Specific thrust areas of the workshop include:

I. Machine Learning Approaches to Problems in the Mechanics of Materials

II.  Mechanics and Physics of Low-dimensional Materials.

III. Multiscale Physics/Mechanics and Coarse-graining

IV. Multiscale Design of Materials and Inverse Problems

V. Defects and Interfaces

The workshop includes invited talks from leading researchers and student/postdoc poster presentations.


Amartya Banerjee, University of California, Los Angeles

Nikhil Admal, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Alejandro Strachan, Purdue University

Surya Kalidindi, Georgia Institute of Technology