Daniel Parra
Postdoctorado FONDECYT 3210686
"Geometric perturbations and related topics in spectral theory"
Universidad de Santiago de Chile
I will give a talk at the Séminaire de Physique Mathématique - EDP at IMB, Bordeaux, on January 30th.
I will give a talk at the conference Spectral Analysis for Quantum Hamiltonians at CIRM, Marseille (15-19 January). This conference is dedicated to the memory of Georgi Raykov.
I will give a talk at the workshop "New developments of spectral theory for Schrödinger operators with various potentials" at RIMS, Kyoto (September 4th to September 6th).
I will give a talk at the Tuesday Seminar of Analysis of the Univesity of Tokyo (August 22nd).
With Pablo Miranda and Marouane Assal we are organizing the 2nd Chile-Japan Workshop on Mathematical Physics and Partial Differential Equation to be held in Santiago between September 25th and September 28th.
I will give a contributed talk at the International conference on spectral theory and approximation in Lund (August 14th to August 18th).
I will attend the Durham Symposium 2023: Spectral gaps (August 7th to August 11th).
I will attend the summer school Spectral theory and geometry of ergodic Schrödinger operators in Postdam (July 31st to August 4th)
I will give a talk at the online conference Dirac equation between discrete and continuous: new trends and applications (3-4 May)