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About me

I am Industrial Civil Engineer (2018) and have a Master's degree in the same scope as a major in Optimization (MCII, 2019), both at the Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Also, I have a Master's degree in Statistics and Operational Research (MESIO UPC-UB) at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, fully funded by ANID through its study abroad scholarship (Grant 2019).

Currently, I have been recruited as a fellow to do my Ph.D. in cotutelle between École Polytechnique Montréal (Canada, Montreal) and Centrale Lille Institut (Lille, France). My formation will be in Industrial Engineering (Canada) and Computer Science (France) under the supervision of professors Luce Brotcorne, Michel Gendreau and Miguel F. Anjos; being part of the CIRRELT (Polytechnique MontréalUniversité de Montréal, Canada) and the INOCS team (INRIA Lille – Nord Europe, France). Furthermore, I am a member of the Program for the Development of Sustainable Production Systems (Universidad de Santiago de Chile, since 2022).

To pursue my Ph.D., I got a scholarship from ANID through its study abroad scholarship (Grant 2022).

My work, in a very few words, has been on merging Optimization and Statistics in public systems such as Healthcare, Transportation and Energy. Broadly speaking, my interests are Operational Research, Statistical Learning and Bayesian analysis.