The UK General Election will take place on Thursday 4th July 2024

On Wednesday 23rd May 2024, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced that there would be an early UK General Election on Thursday 4th July 2024.

We've pulled together key dates, information and FAQs for you so you can be fully informed for the General Election and be ready to vote when the 4th July comes around.

UK General Election Timeline

Be ready to vote!

Every eligible Portsmouth student has the chance to exercise their democratic right and choose who they want to lead the UK government in the next UK General Election.

Here's what you need to make sure you’re ready to vote:

You do not have to be a UK citizen to vote in UK elections. Check and see if you’re eligible to vote 👇

It takes 5 minutes. You will need your national insurance number.

To vote in the UK General Election, you need a valid form of photo ID  such as a passport or driving license.

You can vote in-person at a polling station (7am-10pm), by proxy (if you cannot get to the polling station on voting day you can request for someone to vote on your behalf) or by post.

General Election FAQs

Who should I vote for?

This isn't a question we can answer for you, as it is a very personal decision. We know it's complicated and we know it's confusing. 

You can check out the quiz on ISideWith to see which political parties and ideologies match your personal beliefs. is a fully independent platform, free from any affiliation with investors, shareholders, political parties, or interest groups, ensuring unbiased assistance for voters in understanding and navigating political issues.

Who can vote?

DID YOU KNOW: Students make up 10% of the voting population, meaning your collective voice can make a huge difference - but only if you are registered to vote and vote on the day.

Registering to vote takes 5 minutes, and once you are registered it means you can vote in any UK election or referendum that you are eligible to vote in. You will be asked to provide your name, your date of birth, your nationality and your National Insurance number.

If you do not know your National Insurance number, you can get assistance in finding it here.

You are eligible to vote in the UK General Election if you meet the following criteria: 

As students, you probably split your time between your term-time address and your home address, so it's important that you are registered at both. For some elections, you may be able to vote in both locations. 

For a General Elections, it is illegal to vote in two places. So you must choose which area you want to vote in for the General Election.

You have to register to vote every time you change address. We know students move a lot, so it’s important to double check you are registered to vote. You also need to register again if you have changed your name or nationality.

If you're not able to make it to the polling station on the day, you can apply for a postal vote or a proxy vote (when someone you trust votes on your behalf).

International Students - Who can vote?

Some international students can vote in the General Election too! If you are studying in the UK at the time of the General Election, you may be eligible to register to vote.

There are different rules on whether you can vote depending on your nationality in different UK elections. Use this tool to find out which elections you can vote in:

You can also visit the Electoral Commission website - this explains who is eligible to vote in each of the different types of election as the list of who is eligible varies depending on the type of election, and what part of the UK you are in (For Portsmouth, we are included under ‘England’). 

For more in-depth information about the different types of elections and referendums that happen in the UK, see the website. 

What is a General Election

The Basics

Winning the Election

Hung Parliament

If no party wins an overall majority, it's called a "hung parliament". In this case, there are two main options:

New Election

If neither a coalition nor a minority government is possible, a new general election may be called.

The key points are that a party needs 326 seats for a majority, a hung parliament leads to either a coalition or minority government, and failing that, a new election is required.

When is the General Election

The next UK General Election will be held on Thursday 4 July 2024.

The deadline to register to vote in a UK election is usually 12 working days before polling day. You have until June 18 to register to vote, or June 19 if you want to vote by post. You have until June 26 to apply for a proxy vote

Where can I vote?

Before the election date, you’ll be sent a poll card. On the card, it will tell you when to vote and at which polling station. You can only vote at the polling station location on your card. You do not have to take your poll card with you, but due to recent law changes in the UK, you will need a form of photo ID. 

Polling stations will be open from 7am to 10pm on the day of an election.

You’ll need a photo ID to vote - check out what you can use as photo ID here

NUS has teamed up with CitizenCard to offer a FREE Voter ID (usually £18) to any student or young person who needs it. Sign up for your FREE CitizenCard here.

Why should I vote?

Voting in the General Election, not just as a student but as a citizen is important because it allows you to have a voice in shaping your future, exercise your democratic rights, gain valuable experience, drive change on important issues, and counter the underrepresentation of young people in the political process. 

And hey, if that isn’t enough to convince you, being registered to vote could improve your credit score, as banks and other lenders often use the Electoral Roll to help verify your identity. This could help when it comes to things like taking out a mobile phone contract, especially if you do not have a long credit history. It could also help if you’re looking to buy a car, rent, or even secure a mortgage.

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