Fall 2023

Volume 14, Issue 5

View more photos from church events via our website: upcbgm.org/programs-and-events/photo-gallery
Our worship services are livestreamed on our YouTube channel: upcbgm.org/youtube

Project Regeneration — A Congregational Exploration Beginning November 11–12, 2023

It has been over a decade since we at United Presbyterian Church have engaged in an intentional process of strategic planning. The Session has decided that the time is right to begin this process anew, and we are working with the Presbyterian Foundation to adapt their process for our congregation. Over a six- to nine-month period, we will be looking closely at our vision, finances, and resources to develop a congregation-wide understanding of who we are and where we are headed over the next five years. 

The first congregational gathering for reflection will be on November 12, 2023. Dr. Rose Niles from the Foundation will lead us in a time of conversation and exploration of our values, mission, and core beliefs. We’ll begin the conversation during worship, then share Nirchi’s pizza (in both regular and gluten-free options) and a time of fellowship as well as conversation in Fellowship Hall.

Everyone is invited and encouraged to join the conversation!

Advent is coming! This Year’s Theme is “Hope for a Weary World”

This year, we will be looking at the nativity stories from the gospel according to Luke, adapting worship materials created by Sanctified Art. (There are two versions of Jesus’s ancestry and birth in the New Testament, and they are told in Matthew and in Luke. Last year we heard the story as it is told in Matthew…) Each week the theme offers a different answer to the question “How does a weary world rejoice?” Download the daily devotional Advent calendar.

Our Advent craft will be ornaments that can be given to our guests at the community meal, pantry, and UPCenter.

December 3, 1st Sunday in Advent: We acknowledge our weariness

Luke 1:1–23 (Zechariah & Elizabeth are promised a child)
Psalm 80:1–7, 17–19

As Advent begins, we start by acknowledging the weariness, grief, rage, and hopelessness we carry — and we also affirm that we are made for joy. We start the season with Zechariah and Elizabeth; they have battled infertility and have lived many years. Perhaps they feel the weight of hopes and dreams unattained. The angel comes to Zechariah with a promise of good news, but Zechariah can’t fully receive it. Sometimes weariness can harden us and prevent us from living fully. Let us acknowledge the ways we, too, are hardened by disbelief. Like the psalmist, let us ask, “how long?” and plead for restoration.

We will celebrate the Lord’s Supper.
If you are able, please join us after worship to begin decorating in the sanctuary.

December 10, 2nd Sunday in Advent: We find joy in connection

Luke 1:24–45 (Gabriel visits Mary; Mary goes to Elizabeth)
Isaiah 40:1–11

In community, our joy expands. When we can’t rejoice, we can carry each other’s joy. That is what Elizabeth and Mary do for each other. The good news begins to take shape in Elizabeth’s womb, but scripture tells us that she stays secluded, hiding her pregnancy from others — that is, until Mary arrives at her door, also pregnant. Perhaps Mary’s arrival is the inbreaking that changes everything for Elizabeth, for in that moment, her child leaps in her womb and she is filled with the Spirit. She can’t help but to rejoice. Her joy is contagious and wraps around Mary like a hug. Through the prophet Isaiah, we hear God speak tender words of comfort; this is the comfort we can give to and receive from each other during this season.

December 17, 3rd Sunday in Advent: We allow ourselves to be amazed

Luke 1:57–66 (The birth of John)
Psalm 126

After Elizabeth gives birth, her neighbors and family celebrate with her. When it comes time to name the child, Zechariah affirms the name given by the angel and by Elizabeth. In that moment of affirming the promise, Zechariah’s speech is restored. Everyone is filled with awe. How often do you allow yourself to be amazed? Wonder is all around us — can we recognize it? As we learn how to rejoice in a weary world, can we live in a way that allows amazement and wonder to surprise us often? In Psalm 126, those who expect to reap tears are granted a surprise: shouts of joy. Amazement is a balm for the weary.

Cookie Sunday! Plan to bring your favorite Christmas cookie to share. We won’t have a formal swap, but we hope to give everyone a chance to taste some wonderful traditions.

December 24 @ 10:00am, Fourth Sunday in Advent: We sing stories of hope

Luke 1:46–55 (Magnificat)
Luke 2:1–20 (Nativity story)

After Elizabeth exclaims blessings upon Mary, Mary sings: “My soul magnifies God; my spirit rejoices in God.” Mary sings about a God of liberation who pulls the powerful from their thrones and lifts up the lowly. Mary sings a story of hope, one in which justice and joy are interwoven. 

In this Sunday morning service, we will retell the story of Jesus’ birth by inviting the whole congregation to participate in a “No Rehearsal Christmas Pageant”. When you come into the sanctuary, you will choose which role you want to play in the pageant, and simple costumes and props will be supplied (it will be okay if we have lots of Marys or only a couple of shepherds). Narrators will invite the players to come forward when it’s time. We’ll sing lots of carols, and have a joyful, informal service of celebration as we wait for the coming of the Lord.

December 24 @ 4pm, Candlelight Communion Service: We make room

Luke 2:1–20 (Nativity story)

Luke’s Gospel tells us that when Mary gives birth to Jesus, she lays him in a manger, for there was no place for them in the guest room. Scholars argue about where, exactly, the birth occurs — and why. Was it in an inn or the living room of a simple peasant home? Was Bethlehem teeming with visitors who were also there to be counted in the census? Was Joseph’s family inhospitable because they disapproved of his marital situation? Regardless of where the birth occurs, we know that Christ is born in a crowded, unlikely place. And yet, God makes a place here anyway. God draws the circle wider as shepherds and unexpected guests arrive. This Christmas, let us also make room — for strangers and neighbors alike. For this is good news of great joy for all people.

We will celebrate Emmanuel, God-With-Us as we join together in the Lord’s Supper, and at the close of the service we will dim the lights for our traditional candle-lit singing of “Silent Night”.

It would be good to have you with us.

Our mission is to follow Jesus Christ by doing justice, loving kindness, and walking humbly with God.